1, "Keep your word and be respectful" Source: The Analects of Wei Linggong.
When Zhang Zi asked about the trip, Confucius said, "Faithful and respectful, though it is a barbarian country, it must be done." Is it true that you are disloyal and disrespectful, although you are in a state? When you stand up, you will see that you are involved in the front, and you will see that you are leaning on the balance on the court, and then your husband will do it. "
Vernacular translation: Zhang Zi asked how his ideas worked. Confucius said: "Faithfulness in words and sincerity and respect in behavior can work even in wild places." Is it feasible to speak disloyally and behave disrespectfully, even in your own state?
Standing, I seem to see the word "loyalty" standing straight in front of me; When I was riding in the car, I seemed to see these words leaning against the crossbar of the shaft. Just do it. "
2. The source of "punishing the depressed desire and moving the good to make up" is Zhou Dunyi's Taiji Illustration in the Northern Song Dynasty.
A gentleman works hard and Fukashi is sincere, but he must punish his grievances and then change his ways.
A virtuous gentleman should work hard, be upright and upright, and restrain his desires and anger, correct his mistakes and do good deeds.
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Famous aphorisms about Confucius' words and deeds
1, Ji Wenzi thinks twice.
Ji Wenzi always thinks twice before you act.
2. Confucius said: "Ning my son, the country is wise when it has the Tao, and the country is stupid when it has no Tao. Its wisdom can be reached, but it is stupid. "
Confucius said: "Ning Wuzi, if the country is too peaceful, it will be smart, and if the country is chaotic, it will be stupid. His cleverness can catch up, and his stupidity can't catch up with others. "
3. Confucius said: "Quality is better than literature, and literature is better than quality. Gentleness is a gentleman. "
Confucius said: "A person's inner simplicity is better than his external literary talent, which will be rude, and literary talent will be flashy if it is better than simplicity. The proper combination of literary talent and simplicity is a gentleman. "