Before he died, Han Xin said an eternal saying: When the cunning rabbit dies, the good dog will be cooked; when the high bird is gone, the good bow will be hidden; when the enemy's country is destroyed, the adviser will perish. ?, this sentence summarizes the fate of many heroes in the past dynasties, and summarizes the reasons why the founding monarchs killed heroes. Han Xin was a giant in the military, but a dwarf in politics. Someone once reminded Han Xin that Liu Bang was a villain and would definitely attack Han Xin when Han Xin was of no use. But Han Xin thought that he had done so many things for Liu Bang, even if he had no credit, he still had hard work, and Liu Bang would not kill Han Xin even if he missed his old relationship. But when Han Xin was dying, he saw the true face of Liu Bang and the true face of the king.
Han Xin’s road to becoming a famous general was also very bumpy. When I was young, I had no ambitions. After experiencing crotch humiliation, I realized that if I don’t work hard, no one will think highly of me. Later, Han Xin worked hard to learn the art of war. After leaving the army, he could make great achievements, but he met some ignorant guys. After many twists and turns, Han Xin met Xiao He, a bole. Xiao He recommended Han Xin to Liu Bang as a general, and Han Xin finally left. On his own path.
After Han Xin captured Qi, some people said that Han Xin should be allowed to establish himself as king. A big shortcoming of Han Xin is that he is too naive in politics and indecisive in doing things. He believes that after Liu Bang wins, he will keep his promise and let Han Xin be a prince happily.
How can it be so easy to believe what a politician says, not to mention that Han Xin met a rogue like Liu Bang. After Liu Bang established the Han Dynasty, he continued to weaken Han Xin's power, but Liu Bang still couldn't bear to kill Han Xin. After all, he had made a lot of achievements for himself. Liu Bang couldn't do it, but Empress Lu didn't give him any face. Divide by two and kill Han Xin.