Zhuangzi, a descendant of Chu Zhuangwang, moved to Song State because of the war. He lived in poverty, but despised power, fame and fortune, and always maintained an independent personality. Zhuangzi and Keiko have been good friends for many years. That year, Hui Shi became prime minister in Liang, and Zhuangzi wanted to meet this good friend. Someone said to Keiko, "Zhuangzi is here to replace you!"
Keiko believed it, and sent someone to search in the countryside for three days and three nights to stop Zhuangzi from coming. One day, Zhuangzi suddenly came to Keiko's residence to visit Keiko. Keiko directly asked Zhuangzi about the purpose of his visit. Zhuangzi knew Keiko's doubts and told Keiko a story.
Zhuangzi said, "There is a phoenix in the south. This phoenix flies from the South China Sea to the North Sea in China. It doesn't live under a buttonwood tree, eat bamboo fruit or drink sweet spring water. Once, an owl was eating a rotten mouse with relish, and it happened that the phoenix flew overhead. The owl hurried to protect the rotten mouse and shouted angrily, "Scare! Do you want to eat rat meat, too Phoenix despises owls and leaves with a smile. Old friend, are you trying to scare me with your Guo Liang now? "
As soon as Zhuangzi finished telling this story, Keiko was too ashamed to speak. In Zhuangzi's view, no matter how powerful a person is, he is just a "rotten mouse"!
2. Zhuge Liang
Zhuge Liang went out of Qishan six times and did great things, but lived a simple life. He is bent on doing things, never running a family business, let alone seeking personal enjoyment. After he died, there was nothing inside and no money outside. In the Book of Commandments, he said: "Indifference means no ambition, and tranquility is not far away." Show a gentleman's demeanor of pursuing ideals. (The Book of Commandments written by Zhuge Liang during the Three Kingdoms period. Without a clear heart and desire, you can't be clear and firm in your ambition, and without stability and tranquility, you can't realize your lofty ideal. )
3. Tao Yuanming
In the autumn of 405 AD, Tao Yuanming went to pengze county, not far from his hometown, as a county magistrate for the sake of his family's livelihood. This winter, when Tao Yuanming took office in pengze county for 8 1 day, it happened that Du You of Xunyang County came to pengze county to inspect official business. Du You of Xunyang County is a man named Liu Yun. His ruthless character and greedy character are very famous in the neighborhood. He used patrol as an excuse to ask for bribes from the county twice a year. If he doesn't pay bribes, he will frame the man. Therefore, after each patrol, he returned with a full load.
Du You, who visited Pengze this time, is a very arrogant and vulgar person. As soon as he arrived at Penzer's hotel, he ordered the county magistrate to come to see him. Although Tao Yuanming looked down on those greedy people, he had to meet them, so he set off at once.
I didn't expect to be stopped by the county magistrate, and I was told that Du You needed to wear official clothes and a big belt, otherwise it would be rude, and Du You would take the opportunity to make a scene. Now, Tao Yuanming can't stand it anymore. After sighing, he said how he could humbly pay attention to those little people for the salary of five dou meters. After that, Tao Yuanming took out his official seal, wrote his resignation letter, and left Pengze. It was only more than 80 days since pengze county made this post.
4. Washington
Washington led the American people to win the Civil War. 1On September 3, 783, Britain officially recognized the independence of the United States. 165438+1October 2, Washington delivered a farewell speech to the soldiers who followed him for many years. He publicly expressed his strong desire to retire and lead a civilian life. "The curtain of separation will be pulled down soon, and he will quit the stage of history forever."
Two days later, Washington left new york Harbor by boat. 12 On February 23, Washington resigned from all public offices to the Continental Congress, personally handed in the power of attorney from the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, officially returned to the battlefield, and then returned to his hometown Mount Vernon, which he missed day and night. Washington's decision was a great surprise, which also reflected his gentleman's demeanor of being indifferent to fame and fortune, which made future generations admire and admire him.
5. Milton
/kloc-Milton, an outstanding English poet in the 0 th and 7 th centuries, was blind in his later years, but he still wrote the famous epic Paradise Lost with amazing perseverance. This poem is 10000 lines long, with a volume of * * * 12, but after the manuscript was handed over to the publishing house, he only got 5 pounds. However, Milton doesn't care. His true nature as a gentleman is admirable. As Marx said, Milton created it "out of the need to spin silk in spring", not for money.