Therefore, you must not let yourself go too far. When driving at night, the owner must control the speed and don't drive too fast. If you are passing through special sections such as intersections and ramps, you should slow down and leave after full observation. Generally speaking, there are fewer vehicles at night, especially after 8 o'clock. But no matter how many cars there are, all car owners should keep a safe distance. This is because the poor eyesight at night will reduce the sensitivity of the owner. If they get too close to the car, it will be dangerous. In addition, if the front car is a large vehicle such as a truck or truck, then the owner should widen the distance and look for lane change opportunities in time, instead of always following behind.
Many people like to think of driving as a car race, so they must drive in front of others. The environment is special at night, and the light is not as clear as during the day. If overtaking fails, the consequences will be serious. Therefore, you must not overtake at will. If you must overtake, you must be on high alert. After approaching the other vehicle, the owner can remind the owner of the preceding vehicle to give way by changing the far and near lights. If there are no obvious signs of slowing down and avoiding in front of the car, then the owner can't act rashly. Finally, always pay attention, otherwise you may not be able to dodge in the event of an accident.