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Sentences about self-cultivation in the Analects of Confucius

On benevolence and self-cultivation in The Analects of Confucius

On benevolence

7. The Master said: "Only the benevolent can do good to others and do evil to others."

8. Confucius said: "Be benevolent and do not yield to the master."

9. Confucius said: "Benevolence is the beauty in it. How can you know if you choose not to be benevolent?"

< p> 10 The Confucius said: "Those who are not benevolent cannot make appointments for a long time, and cannot live happily. The benevolent are kind, and the wise are benevolent."

11 Yan Yuan asked about benevolence. The Confucius said: "Restraining oneself and restoring propriety is benevolence. . For one day, if one restrains oneself and returns to propriety, then the world will return to benevolence. Benevolence should be done by oneself, not by others?" Yan Yuan said, "May I ask about the purpose of this." The Master said, "Do not look at what is not propriety, do not listen to what is not propriety, do not speak what is not propriety, do not speak what is not propriety. "Move." Yan Yuan said: "Although I am not quick to return, I have asked you to ask for something like this!"

12 Zhong Gong asked about benevolence. The Master said: "When you go out, you are like seeing a distinguished guest, and the people are as if you are receiving a great sacrifice. You have your own place. If you don't want it, don't do it to others. There is no resentment in the country and no resentment at home." Zhong Gong said: "Although Yong is not sensitive, he can ask for help!"

13. Sima Niu asked about benevolence. Zi Said: "The words of a benevolent person are also ridiculed." He said: "The words of a benevolent person are also ridiculed. Is this what we call benevolence?" The Master said: "It is difficult to do it, but what you say is not scolding?"

14. Fan Chi asked about benevolence. Confucius said: "Be respectful in your place of residence, be respectful in your work, and be loyal to others. Even though you are a barbarian, you should not abandon it."

15. Fan Chi asked about benevolence. Confucius said: "Love others. ." Asked about Zhi. Confucius said: "Know people." Fan Chi did not reach it. Confucius said: "If you can straighten out all the wrong things, you can make the wrong ones straight." Fan Chi retreated and saw Zi Xia, and said: "I saw him in the countryside. The Master asked, "If you raise the straight and correct all the wrong things, you can make the wrong ones straight." What does it mean?" Zixia said, "What a rich man! Shun has the world, and he chooses it among the people. He raises Gao Tao, but he doesn't Those who are benevolent are far away. Tang has the world, and the people choose Yi Yin. Those who are not benevolent are far away."

16. Zi Zhang asked Confucius about benevolence. Confucius said: "Those who can do the five things in the world are the best. Benevolence." Please ask. He said: "Gong, generosity, trust, sensitivity, and benefit. Being respectful means not insulting, being lenient means winning people, being trustworthy means people can do whatever they want, being sensitive means being meritorious, and being merciful means being able to win over others."

17. Zigong asked about benevolence. Confucius said: "If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. If you live in this country, you should be a wise man who serves its officials, and a benevolent friend of its scholars."

18. Meng Wubo asked: "Is Zilu benevolent?" Confucius said: "I don't know." He asked again. Confucius said: "You, a country with thousands of chariots, can be governed by its blessings; I don't know how benevolent it is." "How is it to seek?" Confucius said: "As to Qiu, a city with a thousand houses and a family of hundreds of vehicles can be slaughtered by others. I don't know how benevolent it is." "What is it like to be red?" Confucius said: "To be red is to wear a belt. Standing in the court, you can talk to the guests, but you don't know how to be benevolent."

19 Zi Gong said: "What if you can benefit the people by giving generously to the people? Can you call it benevolent?" Confucius said, "What is the matter? When it comes to benevolence, it must be a sage! Yao and Shun both suffered from the same disease! A benevolent person, if he wants to establish himself, he will establish others, and if he wants to reach himself, he will reach others. If you can draw an example from afar, it can be said to be the way of benevolence."

20. Confucius said: "A man with lofty ideals and benevolence does not seek life to harm his benevolence, but he kills himself to achieve benevolence."