When Bian Que saw Cai Huangong, he built a room. On Bian Que Day, he said, "If you have a disease, you will be afraid if you don't treat it." Huan Hou replied, "I'm not sick." After Bian Que came out, Huan Hou said: "It is also a credit to cure the disease."
Ten days later, Bian Que went to see the results again and said, "Your muscle disease will be more serious if you don't treat it in time." . "The results and ignored it. Bian Que and Huan were unhappy at once. Ten days later, Bian Que walked into the fruit and said, "Your illness is in your stomach, and the treatment will be more serious. "The results and ignored it. Bian Que, Huan Hou, etc.
Ten days later, Bian Que saw the result from a distance and ran away. So Huan Hou asked him, and Bian Que said, "The disease is in reason, and the soup is within reach;" In the skin, the needle stone is also within reach; In the stomach, fire is everywhere; In the bone marrow, where life belongs, doing nothing. Now in the bone marrow, I didn't invite. "Five days later, as a result, my body ached, so I sent someone to find Bian Que, and Bian Que had fled to Qin. Then I died of illness.
Bian Que went to see Cai Huangong and stood for a while (in front of Cai Huangong). Bian Que said, "You have some minor problems between skin textures. If they are not treated, I am afraid the situation will get worse. " Cai Huangong said, "I'm not sick." After Bian Que left, Cai Huangong said, "Doctors like/are used to treating people who are not sick to show their skills." ?
10 days later, Bian Que went to see Cai Huangong again and said, "Your illness is in your muscles. If it is not treated in time, it will be more serious. " Cai Huangong ignored it. After Bian Que left, Cai Huangong was unhappy again.
10 days later, Bian Que went to see Cai Huangong again and said, "Your illness is in your stomach. If it is not treated in time, it will be more serious. " Cai Huangong ignored it. After Bian Que left, Cai Huangong was unhappy again.
Ten days later, Bian Que saw Huan Hou from a distance and turned to run. Cai Huangong then specially sent someone to ask him.
Bian Que said: "The ailment lies in the texture, which can be achieved by boiling (strength)." The disease lies in muscles and skin, and acupuncture can cure it; The disease is in the stomach, which can be cured with fire agent soup; The disease is in the bone marrow, which is a matter under the jurisdiction of God, and there is no cure. Now (the disease) is in the bone marrow (inside), so I don't ask (to treat him) any more. "
Five days later, Cai Huangong was in great pain and sent for Bian Que. (Bian Que) has fled to the State of Qin. Cai Huangong died of illness.
Extended information Bian Que's treatment generally refers to Bian Que seeing Cai Huangong.
The story "Bian Que meets Cai Huangong" is selected from "Everything is wrong, Yu Lao", the title of which was added by later generations. The content is convincing. Taking the time sequence as the clue and the development of Cang Gong's illness as the clue, this paper tells the story of his ultimate death because of avoiding medical treatment through Bian Que's "four observations" and clarifies a truth: you can't blindly believe in yourself and avoid medical treatment.
Bian Que (407 BC-3 BC10) was a famous doctor in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Zheng (now Renqiu City, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province) was born in Bohai County.
Because of his superb medical skills, he was honored as an imperial doctor, so people at that time used the name of "Bian Que", the imperial doctor of the Yellow Emperor in ancient mythology, to call him. When I was young, I studied medicine in Chang Sangjun, and I passed on my medical skills. I was good in all subjects. Zhao is regarded as gynecology, Zhou as ENT, and pediatrics is famous all over the world.
Li Yi, the doctor of Qin Dynasty, had better be assassinated than jealous of it. Bian Que founded the pulse diagnosis method of traditional Chinese medicine, which was the first of its kind in traditional Chinese medicine. According to legend, the famous classic of Chinese medicine "Difficult Classics" was written by Bian Que.
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