Confucius said: If the Tao is based on government and the order is punishment, the people will be spared and shameless; if the Tao is based on virtue and the order is etiquette, the people will be ashamed. The significance of corporate culture is far greater than the system. Some companies have quite strict systems that, although they can restrain employees, cannot motivate them. A good company should give its employees a good vision and let them "become a member of the public." Therefore, corporate culture is very important in corporate development.
Corporate culture construction allows employees to understand the company's vision through the promotion of corporate purpose and business philosophy, increase employees' sense of belonging and increase their sense of identification with corporate management. Through the promotion of internal publications and media, employees can have a deeper understanding of the company. Through internal publications and media, departments and employees can communicate with each other, increase employees' sense of accomplishment, and establish the role of benchmarking and exemplary leadership for outstanding employees. Through VI introduction and promotion, a good corporate image can be conveyed to customers and society.