"One Piece" is an animated film adapted from the manga of the same name by Toei Animation. The film mainly tells the story of the protagonist Luffy who aspires to become the Pirate King and embarks on an extremely dangerous and magnificent adventure in search of the legendary secret treasure ONE PIECE. The following is a collection of One Piece’s classic lines that I have prepared for you. I hope you all like it! A collection of One Piece’s classic lines
1. Are pirates evil? The navy is justice? This kind of thing can be rewritten no matter how much it is. !The kid who doesn’t understand “peace” and the kid who doesn’t understand “war” have different values. Those who stand at the top can rewrite good and evil! Only this place is neutral now! Will justice win? Of course, only the winner is justice! - Doflamingo
2. If you don’t risk your life, you can’t create the future. ——Luffy
3. I don’t care what people in this world say about me... I just want to do things according to my beliefs and never regret it, no matter now or in the future! ——Zoro
4. Guard what you want to protect, and don’t let those guys succeed again! - Crocodile
5. Never envy other people’s good luck , if you smile on the execution platform, lucky lightning will fall on your head. ——Luffy
6. One day, I will gather a group of friends who are not inferior to these people and find the world’s greatest treasure. I want to be the Pirate King!——Luffy
7. I have an ambition, which is to become the world's best swordsman! - Zoro
8. If it can be realized, it cannot be called a real dream! - Luffy< /p>
9. If I give up, I will regret it for the rest of my life. ——Luffy
10. This hat is my most precious thing. I give it to you, and you must return it to me in the future when you become a great pirate. —— Shanks
11. Do you just die if God says you deserve to die? This duel was tampered with! A tampered duel is not a duel! Insulting the person who is dueling, Not a man!——Luffy
12. If I die like this, it means that I am only such a human being!——Zoro
13. Listen, Luffy Flying, you have to taste both victory and defeat. After experiencing the bitterness of running around and the painful and sad memories, a man can truly stand alone. It doesn't matter even if he bursts into tears, he must get through this! - Shanks
14. Ace, didn’t we make an appointment? You will never die. Didn't you say that? Ace... - Luffy's classic lines
15. I am not born to be a king, but there is blood flowing in my bones that will not let me bow
16. I don’t care what people in this world say about me, I just want to do things according to my beliefs and never regret it, no matter now or in the future!
17. For example, if there is a piece of meat, the hero will share it with Others, and pirates will use it to hold banquets. I like eating meat! I'm not a hero, I just do what I want to do and protect the people I want to protect.
18. The death of a person is just one more grave for the world, but for those who depend on each other, the whole world is buried in graves
19. When will a person die? When a bullet pierces the heart? No! When you get an incurable disease? No! When you drink poisonous mushroom soup? No! When you are forgotten!
20 .When faced with confusion, anyone will become weak. Once they believe that they can help others, they become very powerful. Collection of classic lines from One Piece II
1. Sorry, I am not interested in living for a thousand years. I just want to be alive today.
2. Just set your goal at the top, and if people want to laugh, let them laugh!
3. In this ocean, if you can’t climb up, you can only go down. To sink, whether to move forward or drown, depends on your own choice. Since you are so unwilling, become stronger!
4. Why are you unwilling to run away when you encounter such a powerful enemy? - That's because there is someone you love most behind you.
5. The so-called ideal is only a "reality" that can only be said by those who have the strength at the same time. The so-called weakness is a sin.
6. Never forget the strength to laugh =
7. The world is not in the hands of those who ridicule, but in the hands of those who can withstand ridicule and criticism. In the hands of those who endure and move forward.
8. A real man is the one who can forgive a woman’s lies.
9. Everyone knows that freedom is not indulgence, it is a dream like fire
10. Disasters always come one after another, this is the common sense in the world. Do you think that as long as you explain, someone will come to save you? If I die, it will only mean that I am just a man of this level.
11. Although history will repeat itself again and again, humans cannot go back to the past.
12. As long as the garbage is hidden in the dark, the world will naturally seem to be singing and dancing.
13. Don’t sympathize with the loser casually, as this will hurt his self-esteem.
14. No one can write off what happened in the past. We must remember the lessons and live bravely.
15. Life is full of ups and downs. The key is to enjoy yourself at the top and not lose courage at the bottom.
16. The power that allows me to survive in this world is neither internal organs nor muscles, yes, it is the soul
17. Never forget the strength to laugh, even if you are injured, I never hesitated.
18. What I can’t do is up to you, and what you can’t do is up to me.
19. Listen up, Luffy. We must - live without regrets! One day we will go to sea! Live as we please! Freer than anyone else!
20. Human dreams will never end!
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