The most important thing in government is integrity, the most important thing in life is sincerity, the most important thing in speaking is trustworthiness, and the most important thing in doing things is honesty. Fame, position, wealth and wealth are all external things, but character and career are the foundation of one's life. Virtue is good governance, and government is to support the people. Officials are nothing more than public servants of the people. Be upright as a person and spotless as an official. If his body is upright, he can do it without being told; if his body is not upright, he can't do it even if he is told. A virtuous person can build a family, and an honest person can avoid disaster. The melon fields do not accept shoes, and the plum trees do not have their crowns trimmed. Avoid greed and seek peace of mind; act with caution and be a gentleman.
A righteous spirit has no distance, and the breeze on both sleeves is always there.
For yourself, for your family, for the company, and for your original intention.
Enhance the entrepreneurial skills of officers, strengthen the "master switch" of integrity in ideals and beliefs, strengthen the awareness of discipline and rules, and make "integrity to the end" the "ballast stone" for the career growth of managers at all levels of the company.
As long as everyone loves and upholds himself, the world will be clean and upright.
Knowing stops and knowing does not stop. There are things to do and things not to do.
Rightness is divided into one and cessation, which means serving the common good with one heart and abstaining from greed and stopping desire.
Integrity in words is a falsehood, integrity in deeds is a reality, integrity in body is a standard, and integrity in heart is the foundation.
Build an honest heart, do honest things, and be an honest person.
Integrity can generate power, integrity can gather people, and integrity can gather hearts.
Integrity is like water and ice, still crystal clear.
Be as honest as a lotus, so appreciate the lotus and think about integrity, taste the lotus and realize integrity.
Respect yourself and love yourself, and stay away from corruption.
Integrity and self-discipline can make people live a safe life!
Have a right heart, a right conduct, and a right style.
Luxury, arrogance and extravagance are a pleasure for a while, but there is no need to give way to imprisonment.
Resist corruption and change and recognize the sincerity, gold cannot be exchanged for discipline and clarity; do not say that the ignorant in this world have gods three feet above their heads.
Be less greedy and have more happiness.
When fighting corruption, don’t care about the size of the matter, and advocating for integrity does not matter whether you are high or low.
If the ant nest is not blocked, the flood control embankments will be destroyed; if corruption is not eliminated, the will of honest officials will be destroyed.
Qingfeng is honest and upright, the key is to prevent the first time.
Be honest and self-disciplined by yourself, and do more practical things to win the hearts of the people.
If there were no clean bricks in this world, the Taj Mahal would never be built!