The ministers suggested kissing, and the emperor recited the poem on the spot. No one dares to speak again. The first sentence is a famous saying through the ages.
After the founding of the People's Republic of China in the Tang Dynasty, like many Central Plains dynasties, it faced the threat of neighboring ethnic minority regimes. Especially the Turks, the Sui Dynasty was the overlord of East Asia, and its strength was much stronger than that of the Tang Dynasty. However, Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong, wiped out the Turks with great efforts, ushered in a glorious era, and won the glorious title of "Tiankhan". After the Tang Dynasty, although the domestic political situation was unstable, it was unambiguous in defending border security. Both Tang Gaozong and Wu Zetian maintained a high degree of vigilance. Until the Anshi Rebellion, the internal scuffle in the Tang Dynasty finally gave neighboring countries an opportunity to harass the once rich Tang Dynasty. Faced with this situation, the emperors of the Tang Dynasty were restless and had limited abilities. They can't fight like Emperor Taizong, but they are worthy of being descendants of Li Shimin, with noble and uninhibited blood. For example, after the Spring Festival and the accession to the throne, they adopted a zero-tolerance attitude towards the internal vassal areas, and successively won over,, and achieved brilliant results, re-established the prestige of the central court, and created a situation of "Yuan Zhongxing". However, the hidden dangers of the border are always lingering shadows. During the Tang Xianzong period, Beirong invaded the frontier constantly, burning and looting, which brought great disasters to the people. However, at this time, Tang Xianzong focused on "Yuan" and "Fanfan", and it was difficult to care from beginning to end. Therefore, the court ministers put forward the idea of pro-marriage in succession during the deliberation. In their view, it is a good idea that the ancient people said that the pro-marriage did not cost huge military expenses, but it had five advantages. Under the circumstances at that time, the central government can avoid fighting on two fronts. Tang Xianzong is a tough monarch, otherwise he wouldn't risk going to war with the buffer region. After listening to the courtiers' seemingly insightful suggestions, he pondered for a while and recited the following poem: In the long river of history, it is the kiss that is clumsy. Society depends on the Lord, and safety depends on women. How can you act like a jade? It will be quiet. Underground Millennium Bone, who is the assistant minister? The author of this poem is Rong Hong, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, who died shortly after Tang Xianzong ascended the throne. This poem is widely circulated, which means that in the history of the Han Dynasty, there was a very glorious era, but this very poor intimacy tactic was recorded. National security needs a wise monarch, how can it be entrusted to a woman? How can we expect to stop the Hu people's war by their face value? Thousands of years of loyalty have been buried underground. Who can be called a real assistant minister? This poem is straightforward and criticized by people, but the poet's high spirits are obvious to all. Although the Han Dynasty was mentioned from the beginning, it was common for poets at that time to refer to the Tang Dynasty as the Han Dynasty. The kinship system in the Han Dynasty was implemented for many years, including that Emperor Wu refused to marry the Huns, but still married Liu Xijun to Wu Sunguo. For the poet, affinity only brings a short period of calm, and finally it is a constant turmoil. The same is true in the Tang Dynasty. Emperor Taizong once married Princess Wencheng to Tubo Songzan Gambu, and Tang Suzong Hengli, Tang Daizong Liyu and Tang Dezong Shili all gave the princess and relatives. Tang Suzong Hengli, in particular, married Uighurs with her daughter Princess Ningguo, most of whom were imperial girls or even ordinary maids. However, even so, the policies of the Democrats still failed to achieve the imagined peace, and the border of the Tang Dynasty was still filled with smoke. It is precisely because of this situation that Tang Xianzong recited Rong Yu's "Ode to History" (a poem entitled "He Fan") above the imperial court and loudly said to the courtiers: If this man is still alive, I will definitely let him be the secretariat of Langzhou. After praising Rong Yu, Tang Xianzong commented: "Jiang Wei's contribution is too cowardly!" ! Jiang Wei is a minister of the state of Jin. In fact, he first proposed the five benefits of pro-Qin, which was the greatest recognition of pro-Qin by courtiers. However, Tang Xianzong thinks that Jiang Wei is just a coward. He dared not go to war or die for his country. He put forward the intimate idea that women should suffer instead of men. Of course, from the dialectical view of history, affinity does have a positive side. Moreover, in different times and under different backgrounds, the role and effect of affinity are different, which is generally conducive to the exchange and integration between different ethnic groups. As for the opinions of Tang Xianzong, Rong Yu and others, they are personal opinions and deserve respect.