Interpretation of famous sentences in The Analects of Confucius (I) 1, Confucius said, "Learning is not dangerous?" Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? Ignorance and dissatisfaction are not gentlemen? "Confucius said," Isn't it pleasant to review exercises often after learning? "Have friends come from afar, joy? I am not disgusted or angry that others don't understand my theory. Am I not also a noble gentleman? " 2. Confucius said: "Clever words make color, fresh and benevolent." Confucius said: "This kind of person who is full of rhetoric and smiles is rarely benevolent."
3. Zeng Zitao: "I saved three times a day and was unfaithful to others." Don't believe in making friends? Can't you learn? Ceng Zi said: "I have to reflect on myself many times every day: Is it loyal to give advice and help others? Are friends trustworthy? Have you reviewed the knowledge taught by the teacher? "4. Confucius said:" A gentleman doesn't think about eating enough and being safe. If he is sensitive and cautious, he will be correct and upright, which can be said to be studious. Confucius said: "A gentleman should not worry about not having enough to eat, not worrying about being uncomfortable, being diligent in his work and being cautious in his words. He can be said to be eager to learn and find someone who has a way. "
5. Confucius said, "If you don't suffer from people's ignorance, you don't know people." Confucius said, "I'm not afraid that people don't know each other, but I'm afraid that I don't know anyone."
6. Confucius said, "Poetry costs 300 yuan. In a word, Confucius said' thinking is innocent'. Confucius said, "The 300 (05) poems in The Book of Songs can be summed up in one sentence, namely,' Thinking is innocent.
Confucius said, "I am determined to learn five out of ten, stand up at thirty, not be confused at forty, know my destiny at fifty, listen to my ears at sixty, and do what I want at seventy without overstepping the bounds." Confucius said: "when I was fifteen, I decided to study;" 30 years old, doing things in line with etiquette; At the age of forty, I am not confused. Understand the laws of nature at the age of fifty; At the age of 60, you can understand what others say without thinking much; At the age of seventy, you can do whatever you want, and any idea will not go beyond the rules. "
8. Confucius said, "Reviewing the past and learning the new can be a teacher." Confucius said, "You can learn new things by reviewing old ones, so you can be called a teacher."
9. Confucius said, "A gentleman is not as good as a week, and a villain is not as good as a week." Confucius said, "A gentleman is harmonious without collusion, while a villain is harmonious without alliance."
10, Confucius said: "Learning without thinking is useless, thinking without learning is dangerous." Confucius said, "The more you learn, the more confused you become." : Thinking without reading will accomplish nothing. "
1 1, Confucius said, "Let's teach women to know! Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, but knowing. " Confucius said, "Zhong You, teach you the attitude of knowing and not knowing!" What you know is what you know and what you don't know is what you don't know. This attitude is very clever! 12, Confucius said: "People don't believe, they don't know what they can do. "
Confucius said, "What can people do without faith?" 13, Confucius said to Ji: "The court dance can be tolerated, why not?" Zi Yue Ji: "He danced in his ancestral temple with the dance array of the Emperor of Heaven. Such a thing can be tolerated, but what can't be tolerated? " 14, Confucius said: "Guanluo", happy without lewdness, sad without injury. Confucius said: "The theme of Guan Ju is to be happy but not too much, sad but not sad. "
15, Confucius said: "Don't say what you do, don't say what you say, let bygones be bygones." Confucius said, "Don't comment on the past, don't talk about what has been done, and don't blame the past."
16, Confucius said, "He who listens to the Tao dies in the evening." Confucius said, "It's worthwhile to know the truth and die at night."
17, Confucius said: "A gentleman is righteous and a villain is beneficial." Confucius said, "A gentleman knows righteousness, but a villain knows self-interest."
18, Confucius said: "See the sage Si Qi Yan, see the sage and introspect." Confucius said: "when you meet a saint, you should respect him;" When you see a person who is not virtuous, you should reflect on yourself. "
19, Confucius said: "Rotten wood cannot be carved, and the wall of dung cannot be broken. What is the punishment? " Confucius said, "You can't carve rotten wood, and you can't draw a wall of dirt. What can I do with it? " 20. Confucius said, "Being quick and eager to learn, and not ashamed to ask questions, is called' Wen'." Confucius said, "I'm smart and eager to learn. I don't feel ashamed to ask someone who is lower in status and less knowledgeable than myself. I just call him Wen."
Interpretation of famous sentences in The Analects of Confucius (II) 2 1, Ji Wenzi thinks twice before you act. Hearing this, Zi said, "Here we go again, not bad."
Ji Wen Zi should think twice before you leap. Confucius listened and said, "Twice is enough."
22, Confucius said: "Ning my son, the state is wise, and the country is stupid without Tao. Its wisdom can be reached, but it is stupid. "
Confucius said: "Ning Wuzi, if the country is too peaceful, it will be smart, and if the country is chaotic, it will be stupid. His cleverness can catch up, and his stupidity can't catch up with others. "
23. Confucius said: "Quality is better than literature, and literature is better than quality. Gentleness is a gentleman. "
Confucius said: "A person's inner simplicity is better than his external literary talent, which will be rude, and literary talent will be flashy if it is better than simplicity. The proper combination of literary talent and simplicity is a gentleman. "
24. Confucius said, "Knowing is not as good as being kind, and being kind is not as good as being happy." Confucius said: "People who know how to learn are not as good as those who like to learn, and those who like to learn are not as good as those who enjoy learning."
25. Confucius said: "The knower enjoys water, and the benevolent enjoys Leshan; The knower moves, and the benevolent is quiet; Those who know are happy, and those who are benevolent are longevity. " Confucius said: "Wise people like water, while benevolent people like mountains;" Smart people are active, kind people are quiet; Wise people are happy, and kind people live long. "
26. Confucius said, "What's the use of learning silently, never getting tired of learning and never getting tired of teaching?" Confucius said: "rote memorization of knowledge is not enough for reading;" I don't feel tired when teaching. What have I done? "27. Confucius said," No anger, no anger, no anger, no anger, no anger. "Translate it.
2. A good poem that you think suits you. Love poems 1. Take a hug home for me as a symbol of our love.
-Tang misses those red berries that flush on your southern branches when spring comes? People who want to miss them collect more, and Mix red beans have attracted people's attention. Love poem ii. People don't know where to go, but peach blossoms still smile at the spring breeze.
-Hu last year titled Nanzhuang, the provincial capital city. Today, in this door, peach blossoms set each other off. Today, I came here again. I don't know where the girl went. Only the peach blossoms are still there, smiling in full bloom in the spring breeze.
Love poem 3. Sunrise in the east and rain in the west, the road is sunny. -Liu Tang Yuxi "Zhi Zhu Ci" ③ The level of Yangliuqing River singing on the Langjiang River.
Sunrise in the east and rain in the west, the road is sunny. Love poem 4. Once the sea was difficult for water, it was always amber.
-Tang Yuanzhen's "Li Si" once the sea was difficult for water, and it was amber forever. Hurried through the flowers, lazy to look back; This reason is partly because of the ascetic monk, and partly because of who you used to be.
Love poem 5. Candles have a heart to say goodbye and cry for others until dawn. -Tang Du Mu bid farewell (two songs) for more than thirteen times, and cardamom was crowned in early February.
The spring breeze travels ten miles along Yangzhou Road, and you never know when you will roll up the bead curtain. Affectionate but always ruthless, I feel proud when I can't laugh.
The candle on the table lit the heart, and it also saw the parting; You see, it shed tears for us and flowed to the morning. Love poem 6. It was a long time ago that I met her, but since we separated, the time has become longer, the east wind is blowing and a hundred flowers are blooming.
-Tang Li Shangyin Untitled Time was long before I met her, but it was even longer after we parted. The east wind started and a hundred flowers blossomed. Silkworms in spring will weave until they die, and candles will drain the wick every night.
In the morning, she saw her hair cloud changing in the mirror, but she bravely faced the cold of the moonlight with her evening song. There are not many roads to Pengshan. Oh, Bluebird, listen! -Give me what she said! .
Love poem 7. Although my body doesn't have bright wings like a phoenix, I can feel the harmonious heartbeat of the sacred unicorn. -Tang Li Shangyin Untitled Last night's star, last night's wind, is the west of the studio and the east of the cinnamon room.
Without Cai Feng's wings, it is impossible to be Qi Fei in fly with me; The heart is like a soul, and the feelings are the same. Guessing and intrigue, wine warms the heart; This group of people came to the bet of drinking friends, and a win-lose red in candlelight.
Alas, it's time to call the roll in the morning when you hear the drums of the fifth watch; Riding to Lantai is like the wind in the wind. Love poem 8. A moment that should last forever has come and gone before I know it! -Tang Li Shangyin, Jinse, I wonder why my Jinse has fifty strings, each of which has a youthful interval.
Zhuangzi daydreaming, a saint, was bewitched by butterflies, and cuckoo crowed in the imperial spring. Mermaids shed pearl-like tears on the moon-green sea, and the blue fields breathed their jade to the sun.
A moment that should last forever has come and gone before I know it! Love poem 9. How to cut the candle at the west window together and talk about the rain at night? -Tang, Li Shangyin's "A note to friends in the north on a rainy night", you asked about the untimely return date, and the rain rose in the autumn pool at night.
When we cut candles at the west window, we talked about the late rain. Love poem 10. Flowers can be folded straight, don't wait until there are no flowers.
-Tang Du Qiuniang Jin Bao advised you not to cherish Jin Bao, and advised you to cherish youth. When the flowers should be folded, we should fold them quickly, and don't wait for the flowers to wither before folding one.
3. Don't worry about others, and do your own philosophical short sentences. The short sentence is: sweep the snow in front of your own house and don't care about others.
From: Song Liangyuan's "Shilin Guangji Police Training": "Sweep the snow in front of your own house and leave other people's frost alone."
Interpretation: Every household sweeps the snow in front of their own house and doesn't care about the frost on other people's tiles. Mind your own business, especially mind your own business.
New meaning: "Everyone cleans the snow in front of the door by himself". In recent years, some places have made a rule to clean the snow in front of the door, that is, they should do their own areas well at ordinary times and clean the snow in time after it snows.
Extended data:
Mr. Lu Xun once made such an incisive analysis of the motto "Every man sweeps his own snow and doesn't care about others' frost": this is "to teach people to be loyal to their duties, pay taxes, lose donations, behave correctly, not to neglect, not to be unfair, and especially not to mind their own business".
This is not the general understanding of this sentence in Lu Xun's "The Experience of Southern accent to Northern accent". It should be similar to Zhuangzi's "Don't keep in touch with each other when you die of old age" and "It's better to forget the rivers and lakes when you are in love with each other".
But there is still a difference. The difference is that Zhuangzi's idea is to create an ideal world where people can live in peace and forget each other's existence. The general understanding of this sentence includes this kind of "everyone cares about everyone and their parents." Extremely selfish.
4. What lines are there to express "I can't do what I want to do"? 1 but since the water is still flowing, although we cut it with swords, we raise our glasses to drown our sorrows.
Shu Yun, a farewell letter from Xie Jilou in Xuanzhou written by Li Bai in Tang Dynasty.
Since yesterday, I have to leave Bolt and me behind. It hurts my heart even more today.
Autumn geese are escorted by Changfeng, and I treat them in this villa and drink my wine. The bones of great writers are all your brushes. In Tianyuan, I grew up beside you, Xiao Xie.
We are all lofty distant thoughts, longing for the sky and the bright moon. But since the water is still flowing, although we cut it with a sword, sadness will come back, even though we drown them with wine.
Since the world can't satisfy our desire, I will loosen my hair and get on a fishing boat tomorrow.
Yesterday, which left me, was irresistible. Today's mood is very chaotic, which makes people worry infinitely. Wan Li Changfeng, send the autumn geese away. Facing the beautiful scenery, you can drink tall buildings. Mr. Wang's articles have strong Jian 'an characteristics, and from time to time reveal the beauty of poetic style.
We are all full of lofty sentiments and exultation, and our jumping thoughts are like flying high in the blue sky to pick the bright moon. Draw the sword and cut off the water, but it is more turbulent and rushing, and the toast is more intense. If you can't be satisfied in this world, it is better to keep your long hair and board a boat on the Yangtze River.
2. Return with tears, and hate not meeting and not getting married.
—— Excerpted from Yin Jiefu's Road to Send Dong Shi in Tang Dynasty.
You know I have a husband and you want to give me a pair of pearls. I thank you for your love and pin the pearl on my red shirt.
My home is connected with the imperial garden, and my husband is on duty in the palace with a halberd. Although I know you are sincere to Lang Lang, I have vowed to share my life and death with my husband.
Return your double beads, my eyes are full of tears, and I regret not meeting you before I got married.
You know I have a husband, but you still want to give me a pair of pearls. I thank you for your affection for me and for tying pearls on my red shirt. My tall building is connected to the Royal Garden, and my husband is on duty in the palace with a halberd. Although I know you are sincere and frank, I have vowed to share joys and sorrows with my husband. I cried when I returned your double beads. I regret not meeting you before I got married.
But before he conquered, he died, and since then, the heroes have been crying on their coats.
From Du Fu's Book of Letters in the Tang Dynasty
Where is the temple of the famous prime minister? It is in a deep pine forest near the Silk City. The steps are dotted with green grass in spring, and birds are chirping happily under the leaves.
The third call aggravated his state affairs, and he gave his sincerity to two generations. But before he conquered, he died, and since then the heroes have been crying on their coats.
Where can I find Zhuge Liang ancestral temple in Wuhou? In the dense cypress forest on the outskirts of Chengdu. The green grass is reflected on the steps, showing the spring scenery, and the orioles on the trees sing through the branches. Three visits to the thatched cottage frequently talked about the world's plans, and the old ministers who assisted the two generations of monarchs were loyal. It's a pity that he died in the army when he started attacking Wei, which often makes heroes through the ages feel tears in their skirts!
4, everything is for people, tears flow first.
Spring Festival Evening of Wulingchun by Li Qingzhao in Song Dynasty
The wind has stopped the dust, the fragrant flowers have blossomed, and I am tired of combing my hair at night. Things are people, not everything, and tears flow first.
It is said that Shuangxi Spring is still good, and it is also planned to make canoes. I'm afraid the ship can't carry much worry.
The wind stopped, the dust smelled of flowers, and the flowers had withered. The sun has risen high, but I'm too lazy to dress up. The scenery remains the same, the personnel have changed, and everything is over. I wanted to pour out my feelings, but before I could speak, tears came down first. I heard that the spring scenery in Shuangxi is still good, and I plan to go boating. I'm afraid a boat like Shuangxi grasshopper can't carry many of my worries.
The small building was easterly again last night, and the country could not bear to look back on the moon.
From the Five Dynasties Li Yu, "When is the Spring Flower and Autumn Moon?
When is the spring flower and autumn moon? How much do you know about the past? The small building was easterly again last night, and the old country could not bear to look back on the moon.
Carved fences and jade bricks should still exist, but Zhu Yan changed them. How much sadness can you have? Like a river flowing eastward. (Carved column: aperture)
When does this year's time end? How much do you know about the past! Last night, there was a spring breeze blowing in the small building. On this bright night, how can I bear the pain of thinking of my hometown? Carefully carved railings and jade steps should still be there, but the people I miss are aging. Ask me how much sadness I have in my heart, just like endless spring water rolling east.
What are the sentences about doing good deeds? 1. People who always think about how to do good things have no time to do good things.
Don't force yourself to be a good person for the sake of interpersonal relationship. Be a bad guy who always does good things, not a good guy who can't do bad things.
People who have done good things for you are more willing to do good things for you than those who have done good things for you.
It is not difficult for a person to do a good deed, but it is difficult to do only good deeds and not do bad things all his life.
5. Do many people do good things without good returns or even bad consequences, and then feel that God is unfair?
6. What is doing good? Is it good to give alms to beggars?
7. Because there are too many people who do good deeds and begging is too easy, many people go begging. Look!
8. Bad people are all made by good people, so you are not doing good!
9. It is not unusual for good people to do good deeds, and it is not unusual for evil people to do good deeds.
10. I deeply realize that society is really no longer simple, because it is so difficult to do good without being condemned by public opinion.
1 1. Good people are people who do good things, and bad people are people who do bad things. On the contrary, bad things are done by bad people, and good things are naturally done by good people.
12. If you are willing to do good, you should do one thing and do ten things. Why is there a difference between high and low?
13. It is not difficult for people to do good things all their lives, and it is not unreasonable to do one thing wrong all their lives. The hardest thing is to do bad things all your life and not do good things.
14. You are not qualified to ask others to do good deeds, even if you do a lot of good deeds. But you have the right to ask others not to do bad things, even if you do a lot of bad things.
15. If you want to do things best, you must do things well; Willing to do things; Able to do things; Able to do things; Dare to do it; Be good at doing things; Do the right thing; Do things well; Do good deeds; Don't have an accident.
6. Do your own thing, regardless of other people's comments. In August, it is windy in the Yangtze River, Wan Li and Qian Fan.
Tang Cui Qing Ji
No matter what the weather is like, the south of Dongting is Yueyang City.
Put the fish
Tang Dougong
Money can be redeemed from knife marks. It is said that birds and fish are also virtuous.
So you can travel all the way to the Yangtze River, and you don't have to go to Longmen.
Don du fu
If you are afraid of the road, follow the Yangtze River, and the ferry will go offshore. If you don't get on the boat, you stumble into the clouds.
Outside the cold wasteland, in the center of the sunset. My Ma Si hissed north, and the apes scolded each other.
The water is clear and the stone is clear, and the sand white beach is long. It is very sad to be washed away. It will be emptied when you are sick.
The higher the wall, the more chaotic Hong Tao is. Looking back at the breeze alone, three sighs.
Climb the peak
Don du fu
The wind is fast and high, the ape cries sadly, and the birds are circling in the white sand.
Leaves fall like the waves of a waterfall, and the Yangtze River stretches as far as the eye can see.
Li in the sad autumn scenery, a wanderer all the year round, lives alone on the high platform in today's illness.
After all the hardships and hatred, the white hair is full, and the wine glasses are damaged. Write your own poem.
Intermittent rain in Mao Mao (middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River)
Don du fu
Nanjing xipu Road, Huangmei matured in April. Zhan Zhan went to the Yangtze River and it was raining.
Hair is sparse and easy to wet, and clouds are dense and difficult to open. When the town is happy, it will return to the shore.
7. What are some happy poems about doing what you like? 1, but I packed my books and poems crazily.
2, the spring breeze is proud of horseshoe disease, and you can see Chang' an flowers in one day.
Now, close to my village and meeting people, I dare not ask a question.
4. In autumn, at the corner of the border town, the bonfire shines on the high platform. Sad songs hit the floor and lean on high wine. This is leisure!
5. Go to Ma Rufei to enjoy flowers, and go to Ma Rufei to enjoy flowers. When the wine is weak, it is dusk when you wake up, and it is dusk when you wake up.
6, picking chrysanthemums under the east fence, leisurely see Nanshan.
7. The sky is green and the sun is bright.
8. Some bagpipes leave the pavilion late. You go to Xiaoxiang and I go to Qin. Good rain knows the season, and spring is the attack. Sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently.
9, endless acacia blood and tears for red beans, can't finish the spring Liu Chunhua full of paintings.
10, white hair three thousands of feet, sorrow like a beard.
1 1, the apes on both sides of the strait can't stop crying, and the canoe has crossed Chung Shan Man.
12, I wanted him to ask a husband to come back early, but he asked me to go to Qingyun.
13, accompanied by autumn geese and Changfeng, I face them in this villa and drink my wine. The bones of great writers are all your brushes. In Tianyuan, I grew up beside you, Xiao Xie.
14, the wood is thriving and the flowers are blooming in spring.
15, when the fog is thick and the clouds are light, it will always be sad, and the mind will be refreshed and the golden beast will disappear. Double Ninth Festival, lying in bed, in the middle of the night, the cold on my body has just been soaked.
16, water is the eye and mountain is the eyebrow peak. If you want to ask pedestrians where to go, your eyebrows are shining.
17, the night came and the dream suddenly returned home. Xiao Xuan Winter is getting dressed.
18, since God has given talents, let them find jobs! , spin one thousand silver, all come back! .
19, how much sadness can there be, just like a river flowing eastward.
20, the heart of the abdomen is awesome, and the sorrow of the lips and teeth is still treatable.