Who knows what famous sayings we should mainly learn? How to say it in English? Give me a quick answer.
Timetriesall. The horse power is known from the distance, and people will see it for a long time. Tomorrownevercomes. I was born tomorrow, and everything will be wasted. Too much learning makes people old. Toomuchlibertyspillsall. laissez-faire, nothing can be achieved. Too much praise becomes a burden. To save time is to prolong life. Truthnevergrowsold. Truth lives forever. Turnoveranewleaf. Turn over a new leaf. Twoheadsarebetterthanone. One hero and three gangs. Two of us are enemies. Just because someone else is wrong doesn't mean you are right. Unityistrength. Unityisstrength. Unpalatadviceisagoodmedicine. Advice when least heeded is good for action. Untillalissoverone's sambitonneverdies. Never die until you reach the Yellow River. There is no shortcut to learning. There is no shortcut to learning. The future is bright and the road is tortuous. Manproposes,butGoddisposes. Man proposes, God disposes. Whatever you do, dowithallyourmight. Whatever you do, you should devote yourself wholeheartedly. Genius is nothing but diligence. What is learneddin Ecradleiscarriedtothegrave. What you learned as a child will never be forgotten. Amanbecomeslearnedbyaskingssuestions. You can learn only if you are not ashamed to ask questions. Alltngsarediffcult beforetheyareeasy. Everything is always easy. Careanddiligencebringluck. Caution and diligence can seize the opportunity. ConfidenceInYourSelfistheFirstStepontheroadToSuccess. Self-confidence is the first step to success. Custommakesalltngseasy. Nothing is difficult with a good habit. Doingisbetterthaning. It is better to put it into action than to talk about it. Oh, one more thing, the foreign teacher of ABC Tianbian English Center, who helped me guide me a few days ago, told us that it is very easy to learn English well! Insist on the need for a suitable learning situation and the object of practicing oral English. The teacher's level is the key. Southeast Asia has a strong accent. You must find European and American nationals. Pure pronunciation is the best way to maintain regular oral English learning. Only when you have a home-based teaching method can you have very ... good learning results. After class, you should also review and listen to classroom audio to further deepen your knowledge ... However, without help, you can go to VOA or BBC to learn after-school textbooks. If you talk more and ask more questions, the context will be cultivated quickly, and the learning effect will surely advance by leaps and bounds. Eat alive, but not live to eat. People eat to live, but live not to eat. Everymanhassfaults. Gold is not enough, and no one is perfect. Everymanistheactof sownfortune. Take control of your own destiny. Everyminutecounts. Nocross,nocrown. How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? Nopleasurewithoutpain. No pain, no joy. Nopains,nogains. No pains, no gains. Norosewithoutathorn. There is no rose without a thorn. Oneeye Witnessis better than Han Tenears. Seeing is believing. Observationisthebestteacher. Observation is the best teacher. Notngisdifficultothemanwhowilltry. Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb. Notngseek,notngfind. No pursuit, no gain. . . This is inspirational. . Something like that . embarrassed