1. What ancient texts are there about the legal system?
It is difficult to express the criticism of a minister, so those who are difficult to express: words that are smooth and eloquent will be seen as flashy and unreal; If you are only respectful and respectful, solid and careful, then you will think that you are digging and unethical; if you talk too much and use complex terms, and even make analogies, you will feel that it is empty and useless; if you talk about things in a subtle way, and if they are sparse in details but not embellishment, then you will feel that they are prudent and useless. Debate; if you are eager to get close and find out the human feelings, you will think you are slanderous and unwilling to give in; if you are big, broad and knowledgeable, and wonderful and far-reaching, you will think it is boastful but useless; if you talk about family affairs in small words, you will think it is humble; if you talk about the modern world, you will think it is useless. If your words are not rebellious, you will be seen as greedy for life and flattery; if your words are far away from the vulgar and arrogant to the world, you will be seen as unreal; if you are quick to argue and sophisticated in literary talent, you will be seen as history; when interpreting literature, it is based on the quality of trustworthy words. When you see it, you think it is contemptible; when you call it a poem or a book, the Taoism is ancient, then you see it and you recite it.
The reason why this minister is so difficult to express is that he is in serious trouble. Therefore, although the measure is correct, it may not be heard; although the principle is complete, it may not be used.
If the great king does not believe this, and the lesser one thinks it is a slander, the greater one will suffer disaster and death. Therefore, Zixu was good at strategizing and Wu killed him; Zhongni was good at speaking and encircling him; he was in charge of foreign affairs and I was a virtuous man, but Lu imprisoned him.
Therefore, aren’t these three great men virtuous? But the three kings don't know. In ancient times, there was a soup, the most holy one: Yi Yin, the most wise one.
Hu Zhizhi said that he was the sage, but he did not accept the seventy words. He held the cauldron as his boss, and he was close to him, but Tang only knew his virtuous people and used them. Therefore, it is said: If you use the wisdom to speak of the sage, you may not be able to see it. Yi Yin said that Tang is the way; if you use wisdom to speak of the fool, you will not listen. King Wen said that of Zhou.
Therefore, King Wen said Zhou and Zhou imprisoned him; the wings waited for the sun; the ghosts waited for the wax, Bi Gan's heart was broken; Li Zi Tao begged; legends turned around; Sun Tzu's feet were crucified in Wei; Wu Qi wept at Anmen; he felt pain for the Xihe River for Qin, and his dead branch was resolved for Chu; Gongshu Cuo said that the state's weapons turned against him; Gongsun Martingale fled to Qin; Guan Long He was killed; Chang Hong divided his body; Yin Zihan was in the thorn; Sima Ziqi died and floated in the river; Tian Ming Gu She; Mi Zijian and Ximen Bao died without fighting; Dong An died and was left in the market; slaughtered I can't help Tian Chang; Fan Ju breaks the alliance with Wei. These dozen people were all benevolent, virtuous, loyal and Taoist people in the world. Unfortunately, they died when they met the master of rebellion, chaos and dark confusion.
However, even though a sage is a sage, how can he escape death and humiliation? It is difficult for a fool to speak, so it is difficult for a gentleman to speak. And even if the words are dissatisfied with the ears and poured into the heart, no one but a sage can listen to them. May your Majesty be familiar with them.
All treacherous ministers are those who want to follow the will of their masters in order to gain family and fortune. Therefore, if the master does something good, the minister will praise it; if the master does something good, the minister will destroy it.
Generally speaking, if people choose and discard those that are the same, they are right; if they choose and discard those that are different, they are not. Today, what is praised by the minister is what the master is, this is called taking together; what is destroyed by the minister is what the master is not, this is called sharing.
I have never heard of people who choose and give up in harmony with each other and go against each other. The reason why this person and minister is trustworthy and lucky is the way to do it.
If a treacherous minister takes advantage of the trust and luck to slander and repel other ministers, the master does not have the skills to control him, nor does he have to examine and test him. He will definitely accept the past and trust the present. In other words, the reason why this fortunate minister deceived his master is because of his selfishness. Therefore, the master must be concealed above, and the minister must be focused on the lower. This is called a minister who is good at mastering.
If the state has ministers who are good at ruling, then the people will not be able to use their intelligence to show their loyalty, and the officials will not be able to follow the law to achieve their merits. How to understand it? If your husband is in harm's way, let him go; if he is in harm's way, let him go. This is how he feels.
Today, I am a minister who tries his best to achieve success and uses all his wisdom to serve as a loyal minister. His body and family are poor, and his father and son suffer from it; , the family is respected and the family is rich, and the father and son are benefited by it: How can one go on the path of peace and gain and end up in harm's way? If the country is governed like this, it is a mistake, but if the superiors want to do so, there should be no treachery at the bottom, and it is obvious that the officials must obey the law and cannot get it. Therefore, those who know that loyalty and trust cannot achieve peace and benefit must say: "I do things with loyalty and trust, and seek peace by accumulating merit. This is like being blind and wanting to know the right and wrong. I will definitely not do that.
If Practicing the right principles through Taoism, not pursuing wealth, but seeking peace in matters, is like being deaf and wanting to judge the clear and turbid voices, and it is even less likely that the two will be peaceful. I am able to be incomparable and obscure the Lord. "Sir, are you doing it for personal gain?" This must ignore the righteousness of human beings.
The officials of the hundreds of officials also know that they cannot be safe if they are square and upright, and they must say: "I seek peace by doing things honestly and honestly. If there are no rules and want to be square and round, it will not be enough; if Seeking peace by abiding by the law and not clinging to factions is like scratching one's head with one's feet, what's more! If the two cannot live in peace, how can one act selfishly in order to respect others without abusing the law? That’s it. Therefore, there are many people who regard others as important to themselves, but there are only a few people who care about the king based on law.
This is because the master is alone at the top and the ministers form a party at the bottom. This is why Tian Cheng killed Duke Jian. Those who are skilled in the art are ministers to others. They are able to obtain effective words and regulations, clearly govern the Dharma from the top, trap treacherous officials from below, and protect the country by honoring the Lord.
If the words of degree are effective in the past, rewards and punishments must be used in the future. The master is sincere in the art of the sage, and is not strict with the words of the world. He determines right and wrong based on name and reality, and judges his words based on experience.
Therefore, the ministers who have studied closely and know that hypocrisy and deceit cannot be at peace, must say: "I will not engage in selfish behavior, try my best to serve the master with all my wisdom, but compare myself with each other. To seek peace by destroying one's reputation is like carrying a huge burden. It is impossible to survive in the abyss of unforeseen circumstances. "Officials of hundreds of officials also know that they cannot gain peace because they are profiteering, so they must say: "I won't do it. Those who follow the law with integrity and uprightness, but bend the law with a corrupt heart to gain personal gain, are like going up to the top of a high mountain and falling down into a steep valley to survive.
If the way of safety is clear, then the left and right can deceive the master with false words, but the officials dare to use greed to catch the subordinates? Therefore, the ministers can show their loyalty without cheating, and the subordinates can abide by their duties. Don't complain. The reason why Guan Zhong governed Qi is the reason why Shang Jun strengthened Qin.
From this point of view, the way of governing a country by a sage inherently makes people have to love me and not rely on it. People regard love as one's own. Those who rely on others' love as one's own will be in danger, but those who rely on me to do it will be safe.
Husband, ruler and ministers are not relatives of flesh and blood, and the upright way can benefit. Then I will try my best to serve the Lord; if the upright way cannot be achieved, then the Lord will know it and set up a way to show the world. If you don't teach the officials with words, if you don't look for evil, the country has been governed. If you are a master, you are wise if your eyes are not clear, and if you are not clear of ears, you are not responsible. As for the numbers, waiting for the eyes to be clear, what you see is very small, it is not a trick without deception. Not waiting for the ears to be wise, it is not a way to be deceived.
The one who understands the Lord makes the world have to look at him, and the world has to listen to him. Therefore, if he is in the deep palace and the light shines on the four seas, and the world can't hide it, it can't deceive him, so why is it dark and chaotic? The rule of law is abolished and the power of wisdom is promoted.
Therefore, those who are good at letting the power go will be safe, but those who do not know how to use their power will be in danger. It was the custom of the ancient Qin Dynasty that the monarch and his ministers abolished the law and served their own interests, so the country was in chaos and the army was weak. The Lord is humble.
Shang Jun said that Qin Xiaogong made justice through reforming laws and customs, and rewarded those who were traitors and those who were in trouble. 2. Urgent request: ancient proverbs about law
Han Feizi "There is no limit to whether the sixth country is strong or weak.
If those who follow the law are strong, the country will be strong; if those who follow the law are weak, the country will be weak. King Zhuang's rule was that of Sheji, and Jing was destroyed.
Duke Huan of Qi united the country for thirty years, and opened up a land of three thousand miles; For the sake of the country, he attacked Zhuo and Fangcheng, defeated Qi, and leveled Zhongshan. Those with Yan were more important than those without Yan; King Xiang was a gangster in Sheji, and Yan was destroyed.
King Anli of Wei attacked Yan to save Zhao. , take the land east of Hedong; conquer all the lands of Tao and Wei; add troops to Qi and privately pacify the capital of Lu; attack Han and remove the canal, which is better than Qixia; in the Suiyang incident, the Jing army was old and left; Cai and Zhaoling After the incident, Jing's army was defeated; soldiers were spread all over the world, and they were powerful in the country of the crown; King Anli died and Wei died. Therefore, with Jingzhuang and Duke Huan of Qi, Jing and Qi could dominate; with Yanxiang and Wei An. Li, then Yan and Wei can be strong.
Nowadays, the country is in ruins, and its ministers and officials are all engaged in chaos and not in governance. , it is to put out fires at the expense of wages, and the chaos is very weak! Therefore, at this time, if you can get rid of private practices and follow public laws, the people will be safe and the country will be governed; if you can get rid of private practices and follow public laws, the army will be strong and the enemy will be weak.
Therefore, if the judgment of gains and losses is governed by laws and regulations, and it is placed above the officials, then the master cannot deceive and deceive; if the judgment of gains and losses is called balance, the master cannot deceive the importance of the world. If reputation is used to promote ability, the ministers will be separated from the top and come down to compare with Zhou; if the party is used to promote officials, the government will hand over affairs without seeking to use the law.
Therefore, if an official becomes incompetent, his country will be in chaos. If reputation is used as a reward and destruction is used as a punishment, then people who like to reward and punish those who do not want to be punished should be free to do public deeds, practice private skills, and behave in a similar way to others.
Forgetting the master’s diplomacy in order to advance with others, the inferior will be considered as superior. Although there are serious faults in making friends with others, making friends with many people, and making cliques both internally and externally, they still hide too many people.
Therefore, a loyal minister will die in danger without committing a crime, while a treacherous minister will live in peace without merit. If a loyal minister is in danger of death and does not take responsibility for his crime, then the good minister will be defeated; if the traitorous minister is safe and does not take merit, then the traitorous minister will advance.
This is the root of death. If this is the case, then the ministers will abandon the Qing Dharma and pursue private interests while underestimating the public Dharma.
No one can reach the master's court even if he counts the door of a capable person; no one can reach the master's country even if he considers personal conveniences. Although there are many subordinates, they are not the ones who respect the king; although there are hundreds of officials, they are not the ones who serve the country.
However, the owner has the name of a master, and is actually entrusted to the family of ministers. The old minister said: There is no one in the court of a subjugated country.
If there is no one in the court, it is not the decline of the court; housework is beneficial to each other, but not the country; ministers are concerned with respecting each other, but not the emperor; minor ministers are paid to support friends, and do not take official positions as a priority . The reason why this is so is because the Lord does not go above and breaks away from the Dharma, but only believes in it.
Therefore, the master of the Ming Dynasty uses the law to choose people, and does not rely on himself; he uses the law to measure merit, and does not measure it by himself. Those who are capable cannot be harmed, those who are defeated cannot be disguised, those who are praised cannot advance, and those who are not capable cannot retreat. Then the monarch and his ministers can argue clearly and it is easy to govern, so the law of mastery is acceptable.
A wise man is a minister to others, and he has no two minds when making promises. The court dared not resign, and the army did not dare to resign. They obeyed the superiors, followed the master's laws, and waited for orders with an open mind, without any right or wrong.
Therefore, if you have a mouth, do not speak privately, if you have eyes, do not look privately, and control them all. A person who is a minister is like a hand. The upper part is used to repair the head and the lower part is used to repair the feet. It has to be rescued when it is warm or cold. When it is passed down, it does not dare to risk one's own life. It is a selfless and wise minister, and a person who can do selfless things.
The old people do not make friends across the country, and there is no sense of being hundreds of miles away. The noble and the humble are not incompatible with each other. Foolishness and wisdom are balanced and established, and the rule is perfect.
Now that I have a low rank and salary, I can easily go and die to choose my master. I don’t call myself honest. If you pretend to be contrary to the law, then the master will force you to remonstrate, and the minister will not be loyal.
Doing favors and benefiting people, accepting them as a name, is not called benevolence. Living in seclusion from the secular world, but cheating is not superior, and the minister does not know righteousness.
He envoys the princes from outside, consumes his country internally, and waits for his dangerous border, in order to fear that his master will say: "It's not my friendship that I don't have, and I don't understand my resentment." But the Lord believed in it and listened to it as a country.
A minister who humbles his master's name to show off his status and destroys the wealth of the country to benefit his family is not considered wise. This number of things is the theory of dangerous times, and it is simplified by the methods of the previous kings.
The law of the ancient kings said: "If a minister is not likely to act powerfully or to benefit, he should follow the king's instructions; if he is not likely to do evil, he should follow the king's way." In ancient times, people were governed by public laws and abolished private interests. Skills, dedicated to one line of work, ready for duty. "
If you are the master of others and observe all the officials, you will not have enough time and strength. And if you use your eyes above, you will watch down below; if you use your ears above, you will listen down; if you use considerations above, you will be down. Complex words.
The former king regarded the three as insufficient, so he sacrificed his own abilities and judged and punished them according to the law. Therefore, the law was saved and not invaded. Within the control of the four seas, cleverness cannot be used to deceive, and treacherousness cannot be used to control sycophants; evildoers are thousands of miles away, and they dare not change their words; when they are powerful, they dare not hide their good deeds and pretend to be wrong. They are not able to surpass each other.
Therefore, if the governance is insufficient, there will be more than enough time, and the superior will make it happen. When the Lord makes mistakes, the east and west change directions without realizing it.
Therefore, the former king set up Sinan to control the day and night. There is nothing illegal about the action.
The law is strict, so it is forbidden to travel abroad; the punishment is strict, so the punishment is not wrong.
If power is used to control the evil, then many evils will appear; if the law is not believed, then the king's behavior will be in danger; if punishment is continued, then the evil will be overwhelming. Therefore, it is said: A skillful craftsman must first use the rules as a measure; When dealing with matters, we must use the laws of the previous kings as a comparison.
Therefore, if the rope is straight, the wood will be broken, if it is accurate, it will be cut with high technology. If you weigh the county, the more important it is, the less it will be. When the stone is set, more will be better, so it will be ruled by law. The country is just a matter of action.
The law is not noble, and the rope cannot be bent. The wise cannot refuse, and the brave cannot fight against the punishment. , Reward good deeds without leaving behind others. Therefore, correcting the mistakes of the superiors, criticizing the evil deeds of the inferiors, rectifying the chaos and eradicating the evil, and envying the common people, there is no better way to follow the law. , the best way to stop fraud is punishment. If the punishment is severe, you will not dare to exchange the noble for the humble; if you are judged by the law, the superior will be respected but not invaded, so the master will be strong and guard the important points. The former king valued it and passed it on. If a person interprets the law and uses it privately, there will be no difference between the superior and the inferior.
Translation: The country is not always strong, nor is it always weak. If the law enforcer is strong, the country will be strong. A weak country will be weak.
King Zhuang of Chu annexed twenty-six countries and opened up a territory of three thousand miles. King Zhuang destroyed other countries, and Chu was weak. Three thousand miles; Duke Huan destroyed other countries, and Qi was weakened.
King Yan Zhaoxiang took the Yellow River as the national border and Jicheng as the capital, with Zhuo and Fangcheng on the periphery. He conquered Qi and pacified Zhongshan. , Those who have the support of Yan are valued, and those who do not have the support of Yan are looked down upon. King Zhaoxiang destroyed other countries, and Yan was weakened. King Anli of Wei attacked Yan, rescued Zhao, and captured the land east of the river. All captured the territory of Tao and Wei; aligned their troops and occupied Pinglu; attacked Han, captured the territory, and fought all the way to the bank of Qishui River; fighting at Yanyang, the Chu army retreated exhausted; in the battles of Shangcai and Zhaoling, the Chu army The army was defeated; Wei Jun. 3. Classical Chinese sentences and translations containing the word "法" ??
The ancient writing "狋" means "水", which means that laws and regulations are as fair as water. From the surface; from "廌" (zhì), that is, Jie匌, a mythical beast in myths and legends. It is said that it can distinguish between right and wrong, and when trying cases, it can use its horns to touch people who listen to music. Basic meaning: criminal law; law; legal system) It is also recorded that "law" is a mythical beast similar to deer and cattle. In ancient times, people used it as a tool to solve cases. Whenever there were multiple suspects when handling a case, people usually Let it out. If it butts anyone with its horns, that person will be a criminal.
1. Same basic meaning
狋 means punishment. As flat as water. From the water, if you don't touch it straight, get rid of it. If you get rid of it, you will understand. ——Xu Shen of the Eastern Han Dynasty, "Shuowen"
Use punishment to rectify the law. ——"Yi·Meng"
The punishment for the five cruelties is called law. ——"Book·Lv Xing"
The law is the punishment. So *** is prohibited. ——"Salt and Iron Theory·Edict"
The method of prohibiting killing and punishing. ——"Guan Zi·Xin Shu"
The ritual is forbidden before what will happen, and the law is forbidden after what has already happened. ——"Dadai Liji"
If the time is missed, the law should be cut off. ——"Historical Records·Chen She Family"
Therefore, failure to govern the country will lead to chaos, and failure to obey the law will lead to rebellion. ——"Lu's Spring and Autumn Period·Cha Jin"
2. Laws; regulations; systems
The laws of Han Dynasty are not implemented. ——Han Jia Yi's "Public Security Policy"
If the law is not noble, the rope will not be twisted. ——Warring States Period·Mo Zhai (dí) "Mozi"
3. Standard; model/One man can be a teacher for hundreds of generations, and one word can be the law of the world. ——Song Dynasty Su Shi's "Stele of Han Wen Gong Temple in Chaozhou"
4. Methods; Methods
In all military methods, the whole country is the best. ——"Sun Tzu·Nine Changes"
The method is to use clay to carve characters. ——Song Dynasty Shen Kuo's "Mengxi Bi Tan·Float"
February and August are mostly used for collecting herbal medicine in ancient times.
——"Mengxi Bi Tan·Collecting Herbal Medicine"
5. Things that are respectfully called Buddhists
Wen Shaobao also realized the Great Light Dharma and escaped from it. ——Quan Zuwang of the Qing Dynasty, "Mei Hua Ling Ji"
Another example: Dharma (saving people with Buddha's Dharma); Dharma heir (Buddhism calls the disciples who inherit the mantle as Dharma heir. Later it also generally refers to the successor); Dharma realm (Buddhism refers to the entire realm of phenomena); Lotus (the name of a Buddhist scripture. The abbreviation of "Miaofa Lotus Sutra". One of the main Buddhist classics)
6. Follow the example
King Wen is not enough Law and? ——"Mencius·Gongsun Chou"
If you don't follow the ancient times, you can always break the law. ——"Han Feizi·Five Beetles"
Law is the law. ——"Lu's Spring and Autumn Period·Cha Jin"
The texts will serve as laws for future generations. ——"Reply to Li Yi Shu" by Han Yu of the Tang Dynasty
7. Treat according to law
[Shang Yang] will treat the prince. ——"Historical Records·Biographies of Shang Jun" 4. Classical Chinese essays on legal protection
"Historical Records·Biographies of Shang Jun":
Since the public uses Wei Martingale, the martingale wants to reform and fears the world. Discuss oneself. Wei Yang said: "Doubtful actions have no name, and doubtful deeds have no merit. Moreover, those who have a master's actions will definitely see things that are not in the world; those who have the worry of knowing alone will definitely see trouble in the people. Fools hide their secrets in accomplishing things, and wise people see in their infancy. . The people cannot be concerned about the beginning, but they can achieve success. The most virtuous person is not in harmony with the common people, and the person who achieves great success does not seek the public. Therefore, the sage can only strengthen the country without following the rules; he can only benefit the people without following the etiquette. "Xiao Gong said: "Good." Qianlong said: "No. The sage does not teach by changing the people, and the wise rule without changing the law. If you teach because of the people, you will succeed without working; if you govern by relying on the law, the officials will practice it and the people will be safe." Yang Yang said: "What Long said is what the world says. Ordinary people are content with their old customs, while scholars are addicted to what they hear. Based on these two, it is okay to serve as an official and abide by the law, but it is not necessary to talk about what is outside the law. The three generations have different etiquette. King, the five uncles dominate with different methods. The wise use the method, the fool controls it; the sage is more polite, and the unruly person is restrained." Du Zhi said: "If the benefit is not a hundred, the method will not change; if the merit is not ten, the tool will not be changed. There is no fault in the ancient law. "There is no evil in following the rites." Wei Yang said: "If you don't govern the world in the same way, the country will not follow the ancients. Therefore, Tang and Wu became kings without following the ancients, and Xia and Yin died without following the rites. Those who rebel against the ancients are indispensable, but there are not many who follow the rites." Xiao Gong said: "Good." Wei Yang was appointed as the chief of the left concubine, and he ordered the reform.
The people were ordered to be in groups, and the prime ministers and ministers sat together. Those who do not accuse the traitor will be cut in half, those who accuse the traitor will be rewarded with the beheading of the enemy, and those who conceal the traitor will be punished with the same penalty as surrendering the enemy. If the people have two or more males who are not different from each other, the gift will be doubled. Those who have made military achievements will be rewarded with high rank according to their leadership; those who engage in private fighting will be punished according to the severity of their punishment. Those who work hard in their profession, till and weave, and gain a lot of grain and silk will be restored to their original state. Those who are not profitable and who are lazy and poor will be treated as children. Unless the clan has military merit, it cannot be a vassal. In the Ming Dynasty, the ranks of nobles and nobles were ranked according to their differences, and their fields and houses were named according to their differences. The clothes of ministers and concubines were named after their families. Those who have merit will be honored, while those who have no merit will be rich but have no glory.
The order has been issued but has not yet been issued. In order to fear that the people will not believe it, a three-foot-long tree has been erected at the south gate of the capital city. Anyone who can move to the north gate will be offered ten gold coins. The people are so strange that no one dares to move. He replied, "Those who can move will be given fifty gold coins." There was a man who moved there and gave him fifty gold to show his innocence and not deceive him. Pawn gave the order.
The order was issued in the year of Minqi. The people of Qin and the people of Qin all said that the number of people who were inconvenienced by the order at the beginning was thousands. So the prince broke the law. Wei Yang said: "If the law does not work, you must violate it from above." The prince will be punished. The prince, the heir of the king, cannot be punished. He should be punished by his master, Gongsun Ziqian, and his master, Gongsun Jia, should be tattooed. Tomorrow, all the people of Qin will follow the order. After ten years of traveling, the people of Qin said: "There are no scavengers on the road, there are no thieves in the mountains, and there are enough people at home." The people are brave in public battles and timid in private fights, and the countryside is well governed. In the early days of the Qin Dynasty, those who were inconvenient came to ask for convenience. Wei Yang said, "These are all chaotic people" and moved them all to the border towns. Afterwards, no one dared to issue orders. 5. Quotes about the relationship between etiquette and law, preferably from ancient Chinese
Without rules, there will be no square or circle. ------Mencius
Everything in the world must be in its place according to certain rules and order------Lemont
Words are no more valuable than laws. . --"Han Feizi. "Question and Debate"
Trains must be bound by tracks, otherwise they will capsize; airplanes must be bound by routes, otherwise they will crash; cadres must be bound by laws and disciplines, otherwise they will become corrupt.
Without strict law enforcement, there will be no peace for the people; without fair law enforcement, there will be no dignity of the law.
A team without discipline cannot have combat effectiveness. Discipline is the mother of victory.
Learning and understanding the law is more important than obeying the law. Advocating for integrity and fighting corruption is based on obeying the law.
If people want to avoid getting sick, they must improve their immunity. If cadres want to avoid corruption, they must consciously abide by the party's discipline.
The law not only binds citizens, but also binds law enforcers. Original... 6. Regarding the legal system in classical Chinese and classical Chinese legal proverbs, urgent answers
A country is neither always strong nor always weak. If those who follow the law are strong, the country will be strong; if those who follow the law are weak, the country will be weak. King Jingzhuang united the kingdom for twenty-six years and opened up three thousand miles of land. King Zhuang was a ruthless country, and Jing was destroyed. Thirty years after Duke Huan of Qi unified the country, he opened up a land of three thousand miles. Duke Huan's gang of Sheji was also destroyed, and Qi was destroyed. King Xiang of Yan took the river as his border and Ji as his country. He attacked Zhuo and Fangcheng, left Qi and flattened Zhongshan. Those who had Yan were heavy and those without Yan were light. King Xiang was a rogue state, and Yan was destroyed.
King Anli of Wei attacked Yan to rescue Zhao and took the land east of Hedong; he conquered all the lands of Tao and Wei; he sent troops to Qi to privately pacify the capital of Lu; he attacked Han and exterminated his troops, which was better than Qixia; in the Suiyang incident, Jing Jun Lao And left; the events of Cai and Zhaoling were defeated by the Jing army; soldiers were spread all over the world, and they were powerful in the country with the crown and belt; King Anli died and Wei Yi died. Therefore, if there are Jingzhuang and Duke Huan of Qi, then Jing and Qi can dominate; if there are Yanxiang and Wei Anli, then Yan and Wei can be strong. Nowadays, the country is in ruins, and its ministers and officials are all engaged in chaos but not in governance. The country is in chaos and weak, and they all interpret the laws of the country and keep it to themselves. This is like putting out fires at the expense of wages. The country is very chaotic and weak!
Therefore, at this time, those who are able to abandon private practices and follow public laws will have people in peace and a country governed; those who are able to eliminate private practices and implement public laws will have a strong army and a weak enemy. Therefore, if the judgment of gains and losses is governed by laws and regulations, and placed above the officials, then the master cannot deceive and deceive; if the judgment of gains and losses is called weighing, by listening to distant events, then the master cannot deceive the importance of the world. Now if reputation is used to promote ability, then the ministers will leave the top and go down to compare the Zhou; if the party is used to promote officials, the government will not seek to use the law. Therefore, if an official becomes incompetent, his country will be in chaos. If reputation is used as a reward and destruction is used as a punishment, then people who like to reward and punish those who do not want to be punished should be free to do public deeds, practice private skills, and behave in a similar way to others. Forgetting the master's diplomacy in order to advance and cooperate with others, the inferior will be considered as superior. Although there are serious faults in making friends with others, making friends with many people, and making cliques both internally and externally, they still hide too many people. Therefore, a loyal minister will die in danger without committing a crime, while a treacherous minister will live in peace and gain no merit. If a loyal minister is in danger of death and does not take responsibility for his crime, then the good minister will be defeated; if the traitorous minister is safe and does not take merit, then the traitorous minister will advance. This is the root of death. If this is the case, then the ministers will abandon the Qing Dharma and pursue private interests while underestimating the public Dharma. Counting the gates of capable people, not all of them reach the Lord's court; caring about personal conveniences, not all of them seek the Lord's country. Although there are many subordinates, they are not the ones who respect the king; although there are hundreds of officials, they are not the ones who serve the country. However, the master has the name of a master, and is actually entrusted to the family of ministers. The old minister said: There is no one in the court of a subjugated country. If there is no one in the court, it is not the decline of the court; household chores are beneficial to each other, but not the country; ministers are concerned with respecting each other, but not the emperor; minor ministers are paid to support friends, and do not take official positions as a priority. The reason why this is so is because the Lord is not above and is determined by the Dharma, but he has faith in it. Therefore, when the Master of Ming uses the Dharma to choose people, he does not rely on himself; when he uses the Dharma to measure merit, he does not measure it on his own. Those who are capable cannot be cheated, those who are defeated cannot be disguised, those who are praised cannot advance, and those who are not capable cannot retreat. Then the monarch and his ministers can clearly argue and govern easily, so the law of mastery is acceptable.
A wise man is a minister to others, and he has no two minds when making promises. The court dared not resign, and the army did not dare to resign. They obeyed the superiors, followed the master's laws, and waited for orders with an open mind, without any right or wrong. Therefore, if you have a mouth, don't speak privately, if you have eyes, don't look privately, and control them all. A person who is a minister is like a hand. The upper part is used to repair the head and the lower part is used to repair the feet. It has to be rescued when it is warm or cold. When it is passed down, it does not dare to risk one's own life. It is a selfless and wise minister, and a person who can do selfless things. The old people do not make friends across the country, and there is no sense of being hundreds of miles away. The noble and the humble are not incompatible with each other. Foolishness and wisdom are balanced and established, and the rule is perfect. Today, my husband has a light title and salary, and it is easy to die in order to choose his master. I do not call him honest. If you pretend to be contrary to the law, then the master will force you to remonstrate, and the minister will not be loyal. Doing favors and benefiting people, accepting them as a name, is not called benevolence. Living in seclusion from the secular world, but cheating is not superior, and the minister does not know righteousness. He sends envoys to the princes from outside, consumes his country internally, and waits for the dangers of his country, lest his master say: "It's not my friendship that I don't have, and my incomprehension that I don't understand." But the Lord believed in it and listened to it as a country. He humbles his master's name in order to show off his identity, and destroys the wealth of the country to benefit his family. This minister is not wise. This number of things is the theory of dangerous times, and it is simplified by the methods of the previous kings. The law of the former kings said: "I should never do anything for power or benefit, and follow the king's instructions; if I do not do evil, I should follow the king's way." In the ancient times, the people who ruled from generation to generation followed the public law, abolished private skills, focused on one line, and had To serve. ”
If you are the master of others and observe all the officials, you will not have enough time and strength. And if you use your eyes above, you will see down below; if you use your ears above, you will hear sounds below; The previous kings considered the three as insufficient, so they sacrificed their own abilities and relied on the law to reward and punish them. Therefore, the laws of the past kings were protected and not invaded. Don't shut up his sycophants. They are thousands of miles away and don't dare to change their words. They are in power and they don't dare to cover up their good deeds. The people in the imperial court are just small and weak, so they don't dare to overstep each other. There are more days left, and the superior's power will make it happen.
The invasion of the master is just like the terrain, and the master will go wrong, and the east and west will change without knowing it. The king set up Sinan to rule the day and night. Therefore, the Ming Dynasty ordered his ministers not to wander outside the law, not to benefit from the law, and to violate the law. Therefore, it is also a violation of the law. Therefore, he ordered the punishment. That's right. If the power is not wrong, the evil will be unstoppable. If the law is not trusted, the evil will be in danger. If punishment is continued, the evil will be unstoppable. When you want to hit the rope, you must first use the rules as a measure; when you are wise and quick, you must use the methods of the previous kings as a comparison. Therefore, the rope is straight but the wood is broken, the barbarian is high and the skill is cut, the county is weighed and the heavy is the light, and the stone is set up. The more the better, the better. Therefore, the rule of law is just a matter of action. The law is not noble, and the rope is not bent. The wise cannot refuse, and the brave cannot punish the ministers, and reward the good. . Therefore, there is no better way to correct the mistakes of the superiors, to correct the evils of the inferiors, to correct the chaos, and to maintain the integrity of the people. There is no better way to strengthen the official's prestige, to eliminate the dangers of prostitution, and to stop deceit than to impose severe punishments. Dare to be noble and easy to be humble; if the law is judged, the superior will not invade. If the superior is respected and does not invade, the master will be strong and guard the important points. Therefore, if the king expounds the law and uses it privately, there will be no distinction between superiors and inferiors.