4. Those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are good are not as happy as those who are good-Confucius 5. In a threesome, there must be a teacher. Choose those who are good and follow them, and change those who are not good-Confucius
6. Be happy in Poetry, stand on ceremony, and be happy-Confucius 7. Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you-Confucius 8. Reading is like writing-Du Fu
9. Reading is three times, which means that your heart is there, your eyes are there. Go to Wan Li Road-Liu Yi
12. Black hair doesn't know how to study hard early, but white hair regrets how to study late-Yan Zhenqing 13. The book is affectionate like an old friend, and every blind date is gloomy and happy in the morning-Yu Qian 14. The book is still medicine, and good reading can cure fools-Liu Xiang
15. Young people don't work hard, but the boss is sad-"Han Le" Long Songs "16. Don't be idle, turn your head white and be sad-Yue Fei 17. Make great efforts to know all the words in the world and aspire to read all the books in the world-Su Shi
18. Birds want to fly high and flutter their wings first, while people want to make progress and study first-Li Kuchan.