Zengzi killed the pig zhì Author: Han Feizi When Zengzi’s wife went to the market, his son wept. His mother said to him, "When you come back, I will go and kill the piggy for you." His wife came to the market at the right time, and Zeng Zi wanted to catch the piggy and kill it. The wife stopped and said, "I am playing with babies." Zengzi said, "Babies are not meant to be played with. Babies do not have knowledge. They treat their parents as scholars, and listen to their parents' teachings. Today, my son is bullying him. This is The mother bullies the child, and the child does not believe in the mother. This is not the reason why he is a child.
Zeng Zi’s madam goes to market, his son is crying to go accordingly. His mother says to him: "You go home first, and after a while I come back to kill a pig for you to eat." Zeng Zi's wife came back from market. She saw Zeng Zi trying to catch piglets and kill them. She dissuaded her and said, "I was just joking with the child." Zengzi said, "Wife, this is not a joke! Children have no ability to think and judge. They must learn from their parents and obey the correct teachings given by their parents. . Now you lie to him, this is teaching a child to lie! If a mother deceives his son, the son will no longer believe in his mother. This is not a correct way to educate a child." So he killed the pig, cooked it and ate it.