The full text of The Analects of Confucius Yan Yuan is: "Qi Jinggong asked Confucius about politics. Confucius said to him, "Jun Jun, minister, father, son." Gong said, "Good! Believe that if you don't have a monarch, I don't have a minister, my father doesn't have a father, and my son doesn't have a son. Although I have millet, I have to eat it. "
Mr. Kong's original intention is that both the monarch and his son have their own responsibilities, and they should be like what they should be. Who knows, it later developed in a negative direction, and it only emphasized the rights of the monarch and the father (what makes a monarch want a minister to die and a minister to die, and a father wants a son to die, which is so decadent), and it was scolded to death by modern people.
but it must be admitted that this thought dominated the whole feudal period.