Trust the country, ... Call a teenager in bring disgrace to oneself and make him think he is Chu. Tell the general: "This brave man is also. When you insult me, I'd rather not kill evil? The killing is nameless, so here it is. "
A young butcher in Huaiyin abused Han Xin and said, "Although you are tall and like to wear swords, you are actually a timid person at heart!" They humiliated Han Xin and said, "If you are not afraid of death, you will stab me to death; Climb out of my crotch without fear of death. "At that time, Han Xin watched it carefully for a long time, lying on the man's legs, and then lying on the ground. People around laughed at Han Xin and thought he was timid.
Han Xin returned to Huaiyin (later the King of Chu), ... summoned the young man who insulted himself and let himself pass through his crotch, and made him the lieutenant of Chu. Han Xin said to the civilian military commander, "This man is a strong man. Why didn't I kill him when he insulted me before? Because you can't be famous if you kill him, you have to bear the burden of humiliation. This is you today. "