If you can be sincere and respectful, God will be moved, respected and benefited a lot. Very respectful and very helpful.
Zuo Zhuan said: "Respect is the foundation of the body." "Respect, courtesy, disrespect, courtesy." "Respect, the gathering of virtue, can respect there must be virtue." Xunzi said: "Pepsi's success must be respected, and its decline must be delayed." Therefore, the honorable person wins, the lazy person is lucky, the lazy person wins, and the honorable person dies. " Confucius said, "A gentleman treats others with courtesy.
Respect is a universal moral norm and a noble moral quality. If a person has this moral quality and always follows the requirements of respect in interpersonal communication, he can be loved and respected by others, which is also conducive to the formation of good interpersonal relationships.
? Respect is also the wealth of all wisdom. When we were students, we knew how to respect and respect teachers, and teachers were willing to teach us.
Teacher-student interaction is very good, and you can learn what the teacher teaches. If you study lightly, you can't learn at all, and teachers don't like such students.
Confucius said, "Cultivate one's morality and keep one's family in order." Later, it was also mentioned: self-cultivation and self-preservation, self-cultivation and self-preservation An Ren: Make people around you happy. An ordinary person: make ordinary people happy.
? Therefore, self-cultivation is not only to improve yourself, but also to bring happiness to people around you, make yourself feel peaceful and know how to be filial. That is the real "self-cultivation, helping others." It's great that parents are happy and families are harmonious.
? Knowing how to respect is to cultivate one's morality. It makes us feel ashamed to see the ancient people's respectful attitude towards people. The ancients met and bowed to show their respect. This is the most common etiquette for both parties to meet in ancient times. This is a very gentleman's demeanor and appropriate restrictions on speech.
? I found that paying attention to respect and etiquette can also effectively treat evil thoughts. Once you are respectful, you naturally don't dare to think about evil thoughts, and you naturally don't dare to look at the content of temptation.
? Because it violates respect. Self-respect is to keep yourself in a state of respect at all times and not dare to cross the line.
? Respect people, dare not have delusions, dare not have wild thoughts. Only by respecting the teacher can you really benefit from the teacher's teaching. Because of respect, you will attach great importance to what the teacher teaches and learn with an open mind. Respect is really important.
? We must cultivate a respectful attitude. Confucius' gestures are very meaningful. His body bowed slightly, putting his hands in front of his whole body, with the male left hand in front and the female right hand in front, indicating piety and humility.
? Confucius wore a generous Confucian costume, with a kind and dignified expression, his hands crossed on his chest, and his thumb was not exposed, symbolizing humility. His four fingers together represent that all people in the world are brothers and the world is a whole. Confucius advocates self-denial, and the statue of Confucius contains this profound meaning.
Lift my platform, keep it clean forever, be a good Masayuki, and be happy for my innocence. GV refers to the mind. The ancients had a high degree of understanding, knowing how to restore a pure heart and feel real great happiness. The gv 10 is dirty, the whole person's energy field is very poor, and there will be many negative thoughts in his heart, which will inspire many bad things.
? The ultimate goal and meaning of life is to know the true self, live the true self and return to the state of innocence. "The ancients were innocent and pure, so there were many saints who got the word. There is nothing like the end of the world, learning evil, trying to be brave, being ignorant of morality and losing the world.
? Lost its original face and inherent spirit; Regard glory as life, read sage books to support my platform, always clean; As clear as the moon and as clear as water. ""make the way of world work a saint, and learn the wind of immortal Buddha from dust; Being an open husband is a modest gentleman. Ask your heart in the clear night and live up to the sky; Spare time to save yourself, and don't care about people.
? Masayuki is excellent, and I am naive; Life is safe and sound, superman is virtuous. Ci Xun, the ancestor of Chinese Fuxi, is a very good article. You can learn from it. The focus is on filial piety and purifying the soul, and cultivating more virtues to make them last forever.