If you can take pleasure in the people's happiness, the people will take pleasure in your happiness; If you can worry about the people, the people will worry about you. No one has ever enjoyed happiness and worried with the whole world. If so, he can't be the king of the whole world.
original text
Qi Xuanwang sees Mencius in the Snow Palace. The king said, "Do sages also enjoy this?" Mencius said to him, "Yes. People are not allowed, they are not above them. Not above, not also; For the people, but not with the people, nor is it. Those who enjoy the people, the people enjoy themselves; People have their worries, and people have their worries. Joy in the world, worry in the world, but not the king, nothing.
Extended information Mencius (about 372- 289 BC), whose real name was Zou (now southeast of Zou County, Shandong Province) in the middle of the Warring States Period, was not far from Confucius' hometown Qufu. He is a famous thinker, politician, educator, the successor of Confucius' theory and an important representative of Confucianism. According to legend, Mencius is a descendant of a famous scholar in Lu. He lost his father at an early age and his family was poor.
The source of Liang Zhuan is selected from Mencius.
Mencius, a collection of Mencius' speeches during the Warring States Period, recorded the dispute between Mencius and hundred schools of thought, the words and deeds of his disciples, and the lobbying of princes, and was compiled by Mencius and his disciples (Zhang Wan, etc.). ).