From Bai Juyi
I'll give you a solution to the problem. This method does not need tortoise shells, and yarrow can bring wealth and luck.
It takes three days to test the authenticity of jade, and it will take seven years to distinguish wood.
In the days of the Duke of Zhou, he was afraid of gossip and paid homage to the throne before Wang Mang usurped the throne.
Shi Xiang died when he was alive. Who knows the truth of his life?
This poem generally says that there is truth and falsehood in character, and we should know the beauty of evil and the evil of good.
The first sentence says Duke Zhou. Duke Zhou helped his younger brother King Wu to crack down on businessmen and established the Zhou family for 800 years. King Wu was ill, and the Duke of Zhou announced that he was willing to take his place. It is hidden in the synopsis of the golden chamber and no one knows it. After the collapse of the King of Wu, the prince became king when he was young, and the Duke of Zhou held him in his lap and waited for the future. Some ordinary brothers, Guan Shu and Cai Shu, were jealous of the Duke of Zhou. They spread rumors that the Duke of Zhou bullied the young master and soon usurped the throne. When you become king, doubt it. Duke Zhou resigned and fled to the East, very scared. One day, a gust of wind and thunder fell from the sky and opened the golden house. When the King of Qi read the book, he knew the loyalty of the Duke of Zhou, welcomed him back, and punished Guan Shu and Cai Shu. If Guan Shu and Cai Shu start gossiping, the Duke of Zhou dies of illness and the inscription is not opened, who will tell him? Won't future generations regard good people as evil people?
The second sentence is about follwed. Wang Mang is the uncle of Emperor Ping of the Western Han Dynasty, and he is treacherous. It is authority, and Yin has the intention of usurping the Han Dynasty. Afraid of people's dissatisfaction is humility, respect for virtue, hypocrisy and empty work. There are 487,572 people in all counties. I know the people's hearts belong to me, but I moved the Queen Mother and became king on my own. Change the name of the country and call it new, 18 years. It was not until Nanyang Liu rose up and returned to Han that he was punished. If Wang Mang had died 18 years earlier, wouldn't he have been a prime minister with a well-deserved reputation and would he have gone down in history? Don't you treat the wicked as good people?