The friendship between husbands and wives is far away from each other, and the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, while the friendship between villains is as sweet as wine. A gentleman is indifferent to intimacy, but a villain is willing to give up. Those who come together without reason will separate without reason.
The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, while the friendship between villains is as sweet as wine.
Gentlemen and villains are as incompatible as ice and charcoal, and smoke and clouds are incompatible.
There are husbands who are gentlemen but not benevolent, and there are no villains who are benevolent.
A gentleman should know that the big is far away, and a small person should know that the small is close.
A gentleman's goal is to benefit others; a villain's goal is to benefit himself.
A gentleman values ??others based on morality, while a villain values ??others based on power.
A gentleman thinks about righteousness when he is free, and a villain thinks about evil when he is free.
Gentlemen and villains have different interests, just between public and private.
A gentleman thinks it is good to coerce him, and a villain thinks he is evil to coerce him.
A gentleman promotes good in others, while a villain promotes evil in others.
A gentleman is happy to have his own way, and a villain is happy to have his own desires.
A gentleman is not careful in comparing himself with others, while a villain is not careful in comparing himself with others.
A gentleman is known as righteousness, and a villain is known as benefit.
The gentleman is poor, but the villain is poor too.
The gentleman is determined, but the villain will not fight at all.