The mountain is not high, the fairy is famous, the water is not deep, and the dragon has spirit. I am a humble room, but I am virtuous. The moss on the stage is green, and the curtain grass is green. There is no Ding Bai who laughs and has a university. You can tune the pipa and read Jin Dian. There is no confusion, and there is no complicated form. Zhuge Lu in Nanyang and Ting Yun Pavilion in West Shu. Kong Ziyun: "What's the matter?"
What's wrong with it? What's wrong with it? First, the object is advanced. See "The Analects of Confucius Zi Han": "Zi wants to live in nine cities, or yue; So what about ugliness? Confucius said,' How can a gentleman be humble if he lives there? "Confucius believes that although Jiuyi is low, there are gentlemen living in it, and it is not low. Confucius is quoted here to prove that "humble room" means that "a humble room is not humble if a virtuous person lives in it." Echoing the last article, "I am humble, but I am virtuous." "Turning the word" ugly "over completely and reaching the perfect state of" not ugly "is the crowning touch of the full text. It highlights the author's noble and proud sentiment and poor and happy taste.