Rousseau's famous saying: · We must avoid conflicts between our obligations and our interests, and avoid hoping for our own happiness from the misfortunes of others. ·The value of life is determined by yourself. · Man is born free, but he is always in chains. He who thinks he is the master of everything else is more of a slave than anything else. · Since I cannot find a friend who is completely devoted to me, I must have friends who can overcome my inertia with their driving force. · People say life is short, but I think they themselves make it that short. Since they are not good at making use of their lives, they in turn complain that time passes too quickly; but I think that for their kind of life, time passes too slowly. · Wasting time is a cardinal sin. · Do you know a certain way to make your child a miserable person? This method is to be obedient to him. · All disciplines should essentially begin with mental enlightenment. · The problem is not to tell him a truth, but to teach him how to discover the truth. · As long as a teacher lies to a student and reveals the truth once, his entire educational achievements may be destroyed. · The problem is not to teach him various learnings, but to cultivate his interest in learning, and when this interest has fully grown, teach him the methods of studying learning. · Frugality and diligence are two famous doctors of mankind. · The most important thing in human life is labor training. It is impossible to have a normal life without labor. · The gorgeousness of decoration can show a person's wealth, and elegance can show a person's taste, but a person's health and growth must be identified by other signs, only under a worker's coarse clothes, not under the clothes. We can find a strong body only when we are wearing the clothes of the lucky ones. · The secret to success is never changing the established purpose. · When a person does something well with one heart and one mind, he will eventually succeed. · Virtue! Thou art the sublime science of the simple soul. · Walking stimulates my thinking. My body must be constantly moving so that my brain can work. · Only in loneliness and boredom can a person feel the benefits of living with thoughtful people. · The inevitable consequence of luxury - the disintegration of etiquette, which in turn causes the corruption of taste. · Respect children and do not rush to judge them as good or bad. · The combination of thinking and practicality can produce clear concepts and find some simple methods. The discovery of these methods stimulates self-esteem, and the accuracy of the methods can satisfy the intelligence. Simple methods can be used for previously boring work. , which is interesting. · Habits of thought are not developed in childhood. It will make him lose the ability to think for the rest of his life. · Great people will never abuse their advantages. They see where they are superior to others and are aware of it. However, they will never be less humble because of it. The more advantages they have, the more they understand to their shortcomings. · It is not difficult for a person with good intentions to express his courtesy to others. · Ignorant people always think that what they know is important and they should talk about it to everyone. But an educated person does not easily show off his knowledge. He can talk about many things, but he thinks there are still many things that he cannot talk about well. · Wherever love is lacking in the teacher, neither character nor wisdom can develop fully or freely. · Youth is the time to learn wisdom, and middle age is the time to put it into practice. · Society is a book, and facts are teaching materials. · Man is born free, but he is always in chains! · Abuse of books will lead to the death of learning. · Don’t read too much, but think more. This kind of reading has benefited me a lot. · Blind obedience is the only remaining virtue of slaves. · Great people never abuse their advantages. They see where they are superior to others and are aware of it, but they never become less humble because of it. The more they excel, the more they realize their shortcomings. · Labor is an inevitable obligation for everyone in society. · The most important thing in human life is labor training. It is impossible to have a normal human life without labor. · I am convinced that only virtuous citizens can pay an acceptable salute to their country. · Ornament is equally incompatible with virtue, for virtue is the strength and vitality of the soul. · Fill his mind with truth only to ensure that he does not fill it with error. · The money in our hands is a tool to maintain freedom. · Among us, who can best tolerate the happiness and sorrow in life, I think it is the person who has received the best education. Bacon's famous sayings Bacon: Love and wisdom cannot have both. Bacon: Wealth is the baggage of virtue. Bacon: Reasonable arrangement of time is equal to saving time. Bacon: A genial attitude is a permanent letter of introduction. Bacon: People have always believed that poetry has a magical power because it can lift people's spirits. Bacon: People think according to nature, speak according to rules, and act according to customs.
Bacon: Man's majesty is contained in knowledge, therefore, man has many inner things that the king's gold and silver cannot buy, and the king's force cannot conquer. Bacon: Mediocrity is the safest. Bacon: Where there is justice, there is holy ground. Bacon: Reputation is like a river, with light and swollen things floating on it and heavy and solid things sinking at the bottom. Bacon: To see a thought is to see its person; to see knowledge is to see its thought. Bacon: Doctrine should make men fall in love with precepts, not with teachers. Bacon: Money is an important part of life's virtues. Although it is indispensable, it is still enough to hinder progress. Bacon: Caution is useless unless it is coupled with decisiveness. Bacon: It is because of the sense of justice that people become humans instead of wolves. Bacon: Science is brain work, the product of brain work; poetry can only be regarded as its pastime. Bacon: He who has no descendants cares most about his descendants. Bacon: Adventure often brings fun. Bacon: Virtue is like a gem, which is more beautiful when set against a plain background. Bacon: Wealth should be sought by legitimate means, used prudently, used generously to help the world, and parted with without any regrets when you die. Of course, there is no need to show contempt for wealth. Bacon: Habitual deception is really just a cunning caused by weakness and brainlessness, not a superb strategy. Bacon: Disability is not a marker of character, but simply a cause of certain characters. Bacon: The success of people with disabilities is generally less likely to inspire envy. Because they have flaws, people are willing to tolerate their successes. It also often causes potential opponents to ignore their competition and challenges. Bacon: There is no other power in the world that can establish domination and authority in the minds and hearts of men, in their thoughts, imaginations, opinions and beliefs, except knowledge and learning. Bacon: Virtue is like a famous fragrance, which becomes stronger when broken into pieces. Bacon: The second punch hurts, the second sentence seals the deal. Bacon: A judge becomes a legislator as soon as he deviates from the letter of the law. Bacon: Anyone who attributes his good fortune too much to his own intelligence and resourcefulness is likely to have a very unfortunate ending. Bacon: People love lies, not only because they fear the hardships of discovering the truth, but because they have a natural but corrupt taste for lies themselves. Bacon: People like to satisfy themselves in unbounded freedom with extreme prejudices. This is the nature of their thoughts. Bacon: Everyone can be the architect of happiness. Bacon: A person has as much power as he has knowledge. His knowledge is equal to his ability. Bacon: The more a man sips the spirits of the world, the more he becomes addicted to it. Bacon: A man may be very young in terms of age, but very old in terms of time, if he has not wasted his time. But this situation is rare. Bacon: Aristocrats who enjoy prestige because of past achievements generally do not want to see the torrent of development rushing faster than their achievements. Bacon: Friendship doubles joy and halves pain. Bacon: People with disabilities often have a grudge against creation. Bacon: A man who has a wife and children has his freedom of movement restricted and becomes a hostage to his fate. Bacon: Of all sophistry, equivocation is the highest. Bacon: In life, a wife is the lover in youth, the companion in middle age, and the guardian in old age. Bacon: Philosophy is the great mother of science. Bacon: A truly speedy person is not one who simply does things quickly, but one who does them successfully and effectively. Bacon: The most poverty-stricken of knowledge can give rise to many doubts. Bacon: Nature can only be understood from nature. Bacon: In this theater of human life, the auditorium is reserved only for God and the angels. Bacon: There are many people who are very sophisticated and good at understanding people's temperaments, but they are not really knowledgeable people. What this kind of person is good at is conspiracy rather than research. Bacon: Some men act like a rhyme, in which every syllable follows its regular order: How can a man understand great things, when his mind is divided into so many small observations? Bacon: No personal wealth can become the ultimate value of an individual's life. Bacon: Respect the people and you will be respected by the people. Bacon: Only by obeying nature can we control and extend nature. Bacon: The pursuit of too much power makes angels fall, the pursuit of too much knowledge makes men fall. Bacon: The greatest flatterer is a person's self. Compared with it, other flatterers seem very sensible. Bacon: The greatest foundations and greatest achievements are created by childless men. Bacon: If you value etiquette higher than the moon, you will lose the sincere trust between people. Bacon: There can be no outstanding beauty without maintaining a certain degree of strangeness. Bacon: Without virtue, man is a busy, harmful, and wretched creature, no better than any little pest. Bacon: Don't be surprised if what the people say is more true and credible than what the people above them say, because the people speak without risk.
Bacon: People with physical disabilities often have an inferiority complex that is looked down upon by others, but this inferiority complex can also be an inspiration to work hard. Bacon: It is a strange desire to lose your freedom in order to seek power, or to lose the ability to control yourself in order to seek power over others. Bacon: Dance is a rhythmic step, just as poetry is a rhythmic style. Bacon: Proverbs can reflect the creativity, wisdom and spirit of a nation. Bacon: also a pleasure. Bacon: Itching and comfort do not bring pleasure. Bacon: One man's folly is another man's blessing. Bacon: Reading gives people pleasure, brilliance and talent. Bacon: The evaluation of a person should not be based on his wealth and background, let alone his level of knowledge, but on his true character. Bacon: A rope always breaks at the slightest tug. Bacon: Time is the greatest innovator. Bacon: Time is a public property that cannot be possessed. As time goes by, the truth will become more and more revealed. Bacon: Time is the measure of career. Bacon: There is no one who does evil for the sake of evil. Some of them do it in an attempt to obtain benefits, happiness, and reputation from evil. Bacon: Friendship is rare in the world, but equal friendship is even harder to find. Bacon: When it comes to execution, speed is the best way to keep things secret. Bacon: Books are ships crossing the sea of ??time. Bacon: If you pay too much attention to behavioral rules and rigid formalities, you will miss good opportunities in your career, and the losses will be great. Bacon: Talent is like natural flowers and trees, it must be pruned by learning.