In Datong society, the world is public, that is, the world belongs to everyone, not to a certain person or a certain country. There is no class, no private ownership, no war, no thieves and no rulers in society. Selecting talents and appointing people according to their abilities means that talented people in society can be officials, and people with high moral character can govern society. People do their best, each in his place and equal to each other. Forgiveness because of faith means that people are honest and educated and live in harmony with each other. No fraud, no litigation, and everyone gets along well. Being old means that all people in the society have a place to live, and everyone can enjoy their old age, and there are no lonely people. Being young and powerful means that everyone in society has good educational opportunities and people can give full play to their talents and potential. Death without death means that although a person's body is dead, his spirit, morality, thoughts and speeches can be passed down through the ages and live in people's hearts forever.
A well-off society means that the world belongs to a certain person or country, and there are classes, private ownership, wars, thieves and rulers in the society. All relatives, sons and sons refer to people's love for their parents, relatives and children, which is based on private ownership and family. Compared with Datong society, people in a well-off society pay more attention to their families and relatives, while social equity and public interests are relatively weakened.
Generally speaking, Datong society emphasizes public interest, social equity and public interest, while well-off society pays more attention to family and private ownership, and emphasizes personal interest and blood relationship.