Confucius said, "study hard and review hard. Why not?" ? Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters? I am not disgusted (angry) that others don't understand (understand) me. Isn't he also a man of moral cultivation? "
2. Zeng Zitao said, "I will save myself three times a day: I am unfaithful to others." Don't believe in making friends? Can't you learn? "
Ceng Zi said, "I have to reflect on myself many times every day. Have you tried your best to persuade others? Have you ever been sincere to your friends? Have you reviewed the knowledge taught by the teacher? "
3. Confucius said, "Reviewing the past and learning the new can be a teacher."
Confucius said, "Review what you have learned and gain new knowledge and experience, so you can be a teacher."
4. Confucius said, "Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous."
Confucius said: "If you only study without thinking, you will feel confused and at a loss;" It is harmful to think without studying. "
5, Confucius said: "By teaching women to know! Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, but knowing. "
Confucius said, "Zhong You, I will teach you the attitude of knowing and not knowing!" Knowing is knowing, and not knowing is not knowing. Such people are very clever. "
6. Confucius said: "Seeing the sage Si Qi is not introspective."
Confucius said: "when you see a person with both ability and political integrity, you think of being as good as him;" When you see a person who is not virtuous, you should reflect on yourself and see if you have the same problems as him. "
7. Confucius said: "In a threesome, there must be a teacher; Choose good and follow it, but change it if it is not good. "
Confucius said, "If several people walk together, there must be people worth learning. Choose their advantages to learn, and if you see that you have the same shortcomings as them, you must correct them in time. "
8. Zeng Zitao said: "Scholars have a long way to go to strive for self-improvement. Isn't it important to think that benevolence is your responsibility? Isn't it far after death? "
Ceng Zi said: "An ambitious person must be strong and brave, because the responsibility is great and the road is long. Isn't it important to take the practice of "benevolence" as your own responsibility? Isn't it a long way to struggle until you die? "
9. Confucius said, "Cold tells the decline of pine and cypress."
Confucius said: "Only in the cold winter do we know that the pine and cypress are the last to wither."
10, Zi Gong asked: "Who has a word that can go all his life?"
Zi Gong asked, "Is there a word that can be pursued for a lifetime?"
Confucius said, "I forgive you! Don't do to others what you don't want. "
Confucius said, "That's probably forgiveness! Don't impose on others what you don't want to do. "