Take a hundred steps after a meal and live to be ninety-nine. These are the words left by the old man. Let us get moving, rest for half an hour after meals, and then go for a walk. It is good for health. What the older generation left behind is the truth and it is through practice, so we should walk after meals.
Take a hundred steps after a meal and live to be ninety-nine. These are the words left by the old man. Let us get moving, rest for half an hour after meals, and then go for a walk. It is good for health. What the older generation left behind is the truth and it is through practice, so we should walk after meals. Walk a hundred steps after a meal and live to be ninety-nine. These are the words left by the old man. Let us get moving, rest for half an hour after meals, and then go for a walk. It is good for health. What the older generation left behind is the truth and it is through practice, so we should walk after meals. Walk a hundred steps after a meal and live to be ninety-nine. These are the words left by the old man. Let us get moving, rest for half an hour after meals, and then go for a walk. It is good for health. What the older generation left behind is the truth and it is through practice, so we should walk after meals. Walk a hundred steps after a meal and live to be ninety-nine. These are the words left by the old man. Let us get moving, rest for half an hour after meals, and then go for a walk. It is good for health. What the older generation left behind is the truth and it is through practice, so we should walk after meals. Walk a hundred steps after a meal and live to be ninety-nine. These are the words left by the old man. Let us get moving, rest for half an hour after meals, and then go for a walk. It is good for health. What the older generation left behind is the truth and it is through practice, so we should walk after meals.