Current location - Quotes Website - Famous sayings - After Confucius came back, Zilu saw Confucius's expression and was very dissatisfied. Confucius immediately defended himself and said: "If I have done anything shameful, let God kill me!"


After Confucius came back, Zilu saw Confucius's expression and was very dissatisfied. Confucius immediately defended himself and said: "If I have done anything shameful, let God kill me!"


After Confucius came back, Zilu saw Confucius's expression and was very dissatisfied. Confucius immediately defended himself and said: "If I have done anything shameful, let God kill me!"

More than a month later, Duke Linggong of Wei and Nanzi went out in the same car, and asked Confucius to sit in the car. Following in the second car, a group of people swaggered through the city. Confucius sighed to himself and said a famous saying: "I have never seen anyone who loves virtue as much as he loves beauty." - I have never seen anyone who loves morality as much as he loves beauty. Later generations all annotated that this sentence was a sarcastic statement by Duke Linggong of Wei, but who knows whether Confucius was feeling sad for himself.

After the death of Duke Ling of Wei, Nanzi wanted to appoint his younger son Ying to inherit the throne. Unexpectedly, Ying was also a dissenter. He refused and said: "Although the prince Kuai Chi has fled, his son is still there. I How can he inherit the throne?" Nanzi had no choice but to let Kuai Chi's son Zhe inherit the throne because he was serving the throne for the Wei Dynasty.

At this time, Zilu was serving as the governor of Kong Kui, a doctor of the Wei Kingdom. Kuai Chi and Kong Kui conspired to return to the country to seize the throne, and drove their son Wei Chugong out of the country of Wei. As a result, Kuai Chi seized the throne as Duke Zhuang of Wei. When Kuai Chi and Kong Kui launched the mutiny, Zi Lu was on a business trip. As soon as he heard the news, he hurried back at night and met Zi Gao at the city gate. Zi Gao told Zi Lu: "Wei Chugong has escaped, you'd better turn back. , don't cause trouble." Zi Lu replied: "You can't be afraid of death when you serve others." Back at Kong Kui's house, Kuai Chi and Kong Kui were on stage to hold an alliance ceremony. Zi Lu stepped forward and said, "Kong Kui, you are a renegade. You villain! I'm going to catch you and kill you!" He then set fire to the stage. Kuai Chi and Kong Kui's men attacked Zi Lu and cut off the tassel on Zi Lu's hat. If Zilu still wore his old rooster-shaped hat, he might have better luck. Zilu was outnumbered and left his last words: "A gentleman can die, but his hat cannot fall off." So he tied the broken tassel and died calmly.

Confucius heard about the chaos in Wei and predicted: "Alas! Zilu is going to die!" As soon as he finished speaking, the news of Zilu's death came. The predictions of saints are always very timely and accurate. Finally, Confucius finally said something kind to Zilu: "Since Zilu became my captain of the bodyguard, no one dares to bully me anymore."