How Lao Zi keeps people away from desire
Laozi once said that "people are often ignorant and have no desire", "they don't worry about learning", "it is a loss of virtue, and they lose both, and even inaction" Laozi's wisdom! Many people understand it as "for learning, the more knowledge and ambition, the better;" For practice, the less you get, the better, so that your mind can remain quiet. " ..... "I feel that I can use the principle of monasticism to explain Lao Tzu's words well. Taoism and Zen Buddhism, the most enlightened Buddhism, practice differently and pursue the same thing, thus achieving a "quiet" mind. Zhuangzi, who loves to understand truth from life, may have said in a more popular way that the main practice of Taoism or Zen is forgetting. Forget everything and you will be quiet. ...