originally, this sentence was not found in the old saying, but later generations said, "The deceased is like a husband, never giving up day and night." It is a common mourning language now, which means: the dead have left us, and the living should live strong and well, so that the dead can rest in peace in heaven.
"The deceased is like a husband, and he doesn't give up day and night." It is a famous saying of Confucius, which means that time is gone forever like running water. From Zi Han, the Analects of Confucius. When Confucius said this sentence, there was a background, so later generations often used it to refer to the continuous passage of time like running water, feeling that things in life are changing rapidly, and there is also a sense of cherishing time.
The Analects of Confucius: Confucius said in Sichuan that the deceased was like a husband! Don't give up day and night