"Interpretation of Names" said: "Rites are also physical. It's also true.
"Zhuangzi" said: "The rituals of the three kings and five emperors, such as hawthorn, pear, orange and pomelo, are all in the mouth, although they taste the opposite."
"Six Pagodas of Taigong" says: "Business households are the powder of reason."
The Analects of Confucius said, "If you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand."
"Poetry" says: "Rats have bodies and people are rude; If people are rude, Hu will not die? "
The Book of Rites and Music says: "Thin beans are used for writing and ritual vessels. Up and down, attack it from left to right, and the text of the ceremony is also. "
"Yanju" said: "What are the owners? That is the law of things. If a gentleman has something to do, he must be treated. Governing a country badly is like being indifferent to it, but it doesn't matter! For example, if you want to find something in a secluded room all night, what can you see if it is not a candle? If you are rude, you will be at a loss, and you will not be able to make progress. "
"Quli": "A gentleman respects the festival and gives it a gift, saying: A parrot can talk and never leave the bird; Orangutans can talk and stay with animals. Today, people are rude Although they can talk, isn't this the heart of an animal? " "Li Yun" also said: "Rites are for people, and wine is even more embarrassing. A gentleman is thick and a villain is thin. "
Famous sayings about "science and engineering":
1, Lin Yifu's famous saying
"The ideal of soldiers is that they die in boots, and my greatest wish is to be exhausted at my desk."
This is a famous saying of Lin Yifu, a famous contemporary economist in China. Today, Lin Yifu has gone to the World Bank and left the position of director, professor and doctoral supervisor of China Economic Research Center of Peking University.
2. History is sleeping and time is awakening; The world is asleep, and you are awake ~ love.
3. "History won't make us cry or laugh, but let us understand him." (Chen Hengzhe)
"The cultivation of a sense of history is not always limited to history itself. In a sense, knowledge about today can often help us understand the past more directly in some way. " (Bloch)
History is not a master, but a teacher. It is full of evil, and it only tells the truth to those free people who choose examples in history. (Freedom and Power in acton)
4. Books of famous sayings/sentences are the foundation of any kind of knowledge and any subject.
Celebrity/Region Zweig
5. Herman Weil: Mathematics is an infinite science.
Gauss: Some beautiful theorems in mathematics have the characteristic that they can be easily summarized from facts, but the proofs are extremely profound. Mathematics is the king of science.
Conrad: In the field of mathematics, the art of asking questions is more important than the art of answering questions.
Hilbert: As long as a branch of science can ask a lot of questions, it is full of vitality, and no questions indicate the termination or decline of independent development.
Pythagoras: In the world of mathematics, what matters is not what we know, but how we know it.
Marx: Only by successfully applying mathematics can a science be truly perfect.
Rao: The scientific level of a country can be measured by the mathematics it consumes.
Bacon: Mathematics is the key to science. Ignoring mathematics will certainly hurt all knowledge, because people who ignore mathematics cannot understand any other science, even anything else in the world. What's more, a person who ignores mathematics can't understand his negligence, which will eventually lead to the inability to seek any remedial measures.
Pierce: Mathematics is not the discoverer of laws, because it is not induction. Mathematics is not the founder of theory, because it is not a hypothesis. But mathematics is the judge and master of laws and theories, because laws and hypotheses should show their views to mathematics, and then wait for the judgment of mathematics. Without mathematical recognition, laws can't work and theories can't be explained.
Bacon: History makes people wise, poetry witty, mathematics subtle, philosophy deep, morality grave, logic rhetoric able to contend.
Lalander: The love of mathematics is growing day by day not only in our generation, but also in the army, which was fully reflected in the last election. Bonepato himself has a good mathematical literacy. Of course, everyone who has studied mathematics cannot be required to be a geometer like Laplace and Lagrange, or a hero like Bonepato. However, mathematics has left its mark on their minds after all. This will enable them to make more contributions than those who have no math training.
Carlos: No subject can clarify the harmony of nature more clearly than mathematics.
Studying mathematics is to explore the mysteries of the universe. As we all know, the laws of planets and strata, heat and electricity, variation and existence all involve mathematical truth. If language reflects and reveals the voice of the creator, then mathematics reflects and reveals the wisdom of the creator, repeating the story of how things mutate into existence. Mathematics concentrates and guides our energy, self-esteem and desire for knowledge, so as to live in God's big family. Just as literature induces people's emotion and understanding, mathematics stimulates people's imagination and reasoning ability.
ButlerNicholas Murray: Descartes' analytic geometry belongs to Newton, and Leibniz's calculus has been extended to the singular mathematical methods of Lobachevsky, Riemann, Gauss and Selma Vesta (this expansion is bolder than any discipline recorded in the history of philosophy). In fact, mathematics is not only an indispensable tool for all disciplines, but also can fly freely without considering the constraints of intuition. Historically, mathematics has never shown the supremacy of pure reasoning as it does today.
After modern high-energy physics came to quantum physics, many experiments could not be done at all, which was not far from what mathematicians imagined, so mathematics has incredible power in physics. -Qiu Chengtong
Those who aspire to physics cannot understand the following things: first, mathematics, second, mathematics and third.
The size of the universe, the tiny particles, the speed of rockets, the ingenuity of chemical engineering, the change of the earth, the mystery of biology and the complexity of daily life require mathematics everywhere. -Hua
Mathematical methods permeate and dominate all theoretical branches of natural science. It has increasingly become the main symbol of measuring scientific achievements. Von Newman
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