Excerpts from the original text are as follows: Wang Xiang's army fell on the wall, serenaded all the food, and the number of Han troops and vassal soldiers was heavy. That night, when I heard that the Han army was besieged on all sides, Wang Xiang was shocked and said, "Did the Han army get Chu?" He Chu has so many people! "Wang Xiang up at night, drink on the account. If you have a beauty, you will always be lucky; Good horses are famous and often ride.
Therefore, Wang Xiang is a sad and generous poet, who wrote a poem for himself: "Pull up the mountain and denounce the world!" Bad times never die! What can I do without dying? What is this? "Songs count, beauty and it. Xiang Wang cried several times, but both sides cried, afraid to look up.
This excerpt focuses on two consecutive incidents of "besieged on all sides" and "generous elegy" and "generous elegy", lamenting their own bad luck, reluctant names and concubines, full of sadness and helplessness.
Xiang Yu is a brave and generous gentleman. At the moment when he expected the fate of failure, he sang "Heart Melody", adding a tender feeling to the image of Xiang Yu. Elegy of Generosity fully shows Xiang Yu's sentimental character. Men don't cry lightly, but Xiang Yu "cried a few lines" at this moment, rendering the sadness of a desperate hero. The hero of the earth burst into tears after singing, so that people around him could not bear to witness such a scene.