Hitler’s speeches (1933-April 28, 1939)
1. The most precious wealth in the world is your people. Therefore, for the sake of our people, we must struggle and struggle, we will never relax, we will never tire, we will never lose courage, and we will never abandon our faith.
2. Our social welfare system is no better than charities. Because we didn’t say to the rich: ‘Help, give a little to the poor. ’ but said: ‘German people, please volunteer. ’ Everyone has to lend a helping hand, whether you are poor or rich. ——About Winter Aid
3. He who gave me the courage to undertake this magnificent task was unreasonable. But I can tell you that I have found the courage and I have met two kinds of people, German workers and German farmers.
4. When I need loyalty, trust, confidence, fanaticism and dedication, then I must turn to a place where I can still find these values. And these values ??can always shine through the people, among the vast sea of ??people!
5. You, my young children, you are the guarantee of our future life in Germany. This is not an empty idea, nor is it a general formalism, nor is it a disgusting plan. You are our blood, you are our body, you are our soul, you are the continuation of our people.
6. The fate of our German people is not controlled by anyone else. It will only be created by ourselves! We must do this through hard work, through the vigorous development of our cause, through the firm determination of our people, through our people's heroic struggle, and through our arduous and unremitting efforts. Only then can we rise again. Just like our ancestors, this country was never donated by others, but was created by ourselves!
7. Mr. Roosevelt! I know that your country is vast and rich, and that you are now responsible for the history of the world and the history of all countries. But I, sir, am in a much more ordinary position and the situation is much smaller. I accept a country that faces total destruction because of its trust in foreign promises and because of the poor institutions of democratic government. I overcame the chaos in Germany, re-established order, greatly increased production, developed transportation, enabled the construction of a vast network of roads, the digging of canals, the emergence of huge new factories, and at the same time worked to improve the culture of our people. and education level.
8. I was able to get all 7 million unemployed workers back to work. I not only united the Germans politically, but also rearmed them. I also dedicated a page to Tear up the 448-article treaty page by page, which contains the most despicable oppression that no people of any country and no one can endure. I took back to Germany what was taken from us in 1919. I brought back to their homeland millions of Germans who had suffered from being separated from us.
——Reply to Roosevelt’s inquiry