According to Cao Cao's orders, Wang distributed rations with small sticks. Cao Cao secretly sent people to the camps to inquire about the wind, and all the camps complained that the Prime Minister had deceived everyone. Cao Cao then secretly asked the king to enter the account and said to him, "I want to borrow something from you to appease the people." Don't be stingy. " The king said, "What does the Prime Minister want to borrow?"
Cao Cao said, "I want to show off your head!" " "The king was surprised and said," I am really innocent! "Cao Cao said," I know you are innocent, but if I don't kill you, it will be difficult to stabilize the army. " I will take care of your wife and children after you die, so you don't have to worry. "
When Wang tried to defend himself again, Cao Cao would have shouted out the knife and axe hand, pushed the door and cut it. Then he put his head on a high pole and posted a notice: "Wang deliberately distributed grain and rice in a hut and stole official grain, and is willing to behead him according to military law." So the resentment began to ease.
In order to cope with the lack of food, Cao Cao decided to let Wang Yun divide the food in a small pot. Later, he aroused people's grievances, but insidiously borrowed the head of the military attache Wang, who was in charge of distributing food, and framed others to calm people's grievances.
Extended data:
1, Cao Cao, Emperor Wu of Wei, nicknamed Auntie, is the secretariat of Yuzhou. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, he was an outstanding politician, strategist, writer and calligrapher, and the founder of Cao Wei regime. Cao Cao was born after the eunuch family Cao Can, and his father Cao Song was the adopted son of eunuch Cao Teng. Cao Teng served four emperors and was quite famous. When Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty, Cao Song inherited Cao Tenghou, and when Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty, the official was Qiu.
2. Cao Cao likes to express his political ambition and reflect the sufferings of people's livelihood with poems. He is a representative figure of Wei and Jin literature, and Lu Xun praised him as "the founder of reforming articles". At the same time, Cao Cao is good at calligraphy, and Zhang Huaiguan's Broken Tang Book rated Cao Cao's Cao Zhang as a "wonderful work".
Baidu encyclopedia-Cao Cao