Hedgehog sees French and English [? hed? h? g]? Beauty [? hed? h? :g]
As nouns, it means: hedgehog, porcupine; An irritable person, a difficult person; Hedgehog bomb; ternate buttercup root
Hedgehog man? Hedgehog man
A gray hedgehog? A gray hedgehog; ?
White hedgehog? White hedgehog
Me? Poke? She? Are you online? Stomach? And then what? She? Curly hair? Up? Like what? Answer? Hedgehog? Giggle. ?
I poked her belly with my hand, and she rolled up like a hedgehog and giggled.
Extended information of other animal English: lion? Lions?
Lions? Read French and English? ['Lan] Beauty? ['Lan]?
As a noun, it means: lion; Celebrities; A brave man; Celebrities in social situations
Lion dance? lion dance
Sea lion? sea lion
The great lion? Celebrity, celebrity; a sight for sore eyes
Mountain lion? Puma (equivalent to puma)
Lion tamer? Lion tamer
Me? Only? One; ? But? That? Is it? A total of? Answer? Thoroughbred horse? Lions. ?
I only have one child at a time, but it is a completely pure lion.
The usage of the lion:
1, the basic meaning of lion is "lion", which can refer to a person who is as strong as a lion or roars like a lion.
2.lion means "lion", and the corresponding feminine noun is lion.