1, "The heart is heaven and earth", heaven and earth have no intention, but people have a heart. People's heart is to enable people to grasp the heart of benevolent people who love and help others, and to be a sage of Dagong. In fact, it is the heart that cannot bear others, that is, Confucius said, "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you", that is, the starting point of benevolence. In this way, Mr. Ma Yifu concluded: "Scholars should not seek benevolence with knowledge, and be kind and heartless, but should be based on the heart of heaven and earth. "
2. "Making a living for the people" comes directly from Mencius' thought of "making a living". There is a saying in Mencius: "He who does his best knows his nature. If you know its nature, you will know its sky. " Through self-cultivation, if we can finally reach such a state, that is, regardless of the length of a person's life, then the individual can be said to have settled down. The "life for the people" marked by Zhang Zai is actually "life for the people, the life of my compatriots", and its life lies in teaching, and "cultivation is called teaching", which is the so-called.
3. "The past is not forgotten", so those who "go to the holy" are the first to promote Confucianism represented by Confucius and Mencius; Juexue is Taoism advocated by Confucius and Mencius. As far as Confucianism is concerned, Confucius is certainly a master, and the Song Dynasty masters such as Lian, Luo, Guan and Min pushed the development of Confucianism to a brand-new stage. Only Confucianism in Song Dynasty can truly carry forward Confucius and Mencius. 、
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The expectation of "openness" is called. Only by "making peace for the world" and realizing the cultural ideal described in Zhang Zai's Mingxi can ignorant modern people return to the honest spiritual home of mankind.
Ye Caijie: "Heaven and earth take life as their heart, and saints and counselors educate them, so that everything has its own life and is also the heart of heaven and earth;" Clarifying justice and principles and cultivating principles are also the way for the people; Following Juexue means to describe orthodoxy;
When peace is achieved, it is said that if there is a king, it will take Fallise, which will last forever. Press: Neo-Confucianism in the Song Dynasty believed that Taoism originated from Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, and as for Confucius, as for Mencius. Mencius did not, nor did his Tao spread. It was not until Song Ruxing that he advocated knowledge that had not been handed down for thousands of years. Therefore, it is called "a lesson from the past". Make way for the people. The anthology of Hengqu is called Nature for the People.