First, an upright and aboveboard person.
Confucius said: "A gentleman is magnanimous, but a villain is always concerned." A gentleman has no selfish motives, is open-minded, acts openly and aboveboard, and behaves upright. They are kind to others, selfless, and have a great spirit. When you associate with such people, you will feel happy and have no worries. Under their influence, you can also improve your own righteousness and increase your virtue. If you meet them, don't miss it!
Second, people who constantly strive for self-improvement and strive for the top.
The "Book of Changes" says: "Heaven moves vigorously, and a gentleman strives to constantly strive for self-improvement." As a human being, we must imitate the way of heaven, just like the movement of heaven and earth, starting over and over again and never slacking off. God always leaves opportunities to those who are prepared. Only those who are diligent and enterprising can seize opportunities and achieve success.
When you are with lazy people, hard-working people will gradually become lazy; when you are with hard-working people, lazy people will gradually become diligent, because when you see others being so diligent, you will not be able to do it yourself. I'm sorry to be lazy anymore. Therefore, if you meet this kind of friend who is constantly striving for self-improvement, you must make deep friends.
Three, people who are respectful and cautious in their words and deeds.
Confucius said: "A gentleman has three fears: fear of destiny, fear of great men, and fear of the words of sages. A villain who does not know the destiny and is not afraid of the words of a sage will insult the great men and insult the words of sages." A gentleman, because he has something. Only with awe can you do something and not do something; villains dare to act recklessly because they are fearless. The ancients often said that "there is a god three feet above the head." Only when people have a sense of awe can they be cautious in their words and deeds. They dare not speak out loud, do evil, let alone have evil thoughts. Making friends with such people makes us feel at ease and is very beneficial to improving our moral cultivation.
Fourth, a magnanimous and reasonable person.
"Zuo Zhuan" says: "No one is a sage, and no one can have any mistakes; if he can correct his mistakes, there is no great good." Everyone has shortcomings and advantages. When interacting with others, if you always focus on other people's shortcomings, then there will be few people in the world to interact with. When people interact with each other, the most important thing is to treat each other with sincerity, ask for common ground while reserving differences, know how to appreciate each other's strengths, accept each other's shortcomings, understand each other, and tolerate each other, so that everyone can live in harmony and make progress together. Being magnanimous and reasonable is a kind of virtue in life. When you get along with such people, you will definitely have a good mood.
Fifth, a person who is upright, honest, and unyielding.
Mencius said: "Wealth and honor cannot be kinky, poverty and lowliness cannot be moved, and power cannot be subdued. This is called a true man." A person who has an upright mind, can practice loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness, can adhere to the integrity of life, can afford to take things, can let them go, is responsible, and has integrity. This is a real man, a person who can be trusted for life, and worthy of our deep friendship.
Sixth, those who sacrifice themselves for others and are willing to suffer losses.
Zheng Banqiao has a famous saying: "Suffering a loss is a blessing." A person who is truly willing to suffer losses must be a kind person and an emotional person, because this kind of person always has others in mind and would rather suffer some losses than expose others or compete with others. Don't miss it if you meet such a person.