Although sacrifice is ceremonial, it is based on sincerity; Although mourning is polite, mourning is the foundation; Although the scholar is learned, he acts in this way.
Gone with the wind can't adjust the palace merchants, a clever woman can't cook without rice, and a man with words can't rule the country.
Economy comes from learning. Economy has its origin. When the mind sees what it does, it is naturally perfect.
Faith is the foundation of a person's life.
Seek a quiet in the noise and a pure land in the filth.
If you don't touch the mud, you won't be evil.
Poverty is strong, not falling into the sky.
There are two ways for people to go, one is necessary and the other is desirable. You must take the path you have to take beautifully in order to take the path you want to take.
Some roads, if you don't go on, you don't know how beautiful the scenery is there.