Confucius said, "A gentleman does not want to eat enough, and he does not want to live in peace. If he is sensitive to things and is careful about what he says, he will know the way and be honest, and he will be eager to learn."
zi gong asks friends. Confucius said, "Give advice and be good at guiding it. If you can't stop, don't humiliate yourself." -"The Analects of Confucius? Yan Yuan
When a friend dies, he has no home, saying, "I'm going to bury him." -"The Analects of Confucius? Hsiangdang
The beauty of a gentleman as an adult is not the evil of an adult
Confucius said, "A gentleman is not good at comparison, but a villain is not good at comparison."
Confucius said, "People don't believe, and they don't know what they can do."
if you want to be a man, you want to be a man.
if you have friends, you will be friendly and soft, but if you have friends, it will be harmful.
make friends with literature, and help others with benevolence.
there are three friends who gain and three friends who lose.
See the sage Si Qi, but look inward if you don't.