Mencius said: "When Jie and Zhou lost the world, they also lost their people; those who lost their people also lost their hearts. There is a way to win the world: to win its people, this is how to win the world; to win its people, there is a way "To win people's hearts is to win them; there is a way to win their hearts: get together with them as you wish, and do not do them any harm." (Li Lou Shang)
[Translation] Mencius said: The reason why the tyrants Xia Jie and Shang Zhou lost the world was because they lost the support of the people. There is a certain way to win the world: gain the trust of the people, and then you will win the world. There is a certain way to gain the people's trust: gain their hearts, and then you gain the people's trust. There are certain ways to win the hearts and minds of the people. Give them what they want and help them accumulate it, and don't give them what they hate. That's all.
Mencius said: "Use the Tao to make the people work, but they will not complain. Even if they kill the people with the Tao, they will not complain about the killers." Principles serve the people, and the people will not resent them even though they are tired. Use the principle of keeping the people alive to kill the mob, and the person who is killed will not resent the person who killed him even if he dies.