Confucius said, "Take Tao as the aim and virtue as the basis; Rely on righteousness and swim in art. "
Confucius said: "Aim at benevolence; Depending on benevolence and righteousness, it is used by benevolence. "
To annotate ...
"ambition" is the direction of the heart.
"Tao", the Confucian Tao is benevolence.
According to it, the staff held it and it leaned against it.
"Virtue" means success. It is also called goodness, fairness, brightness and simplicity. The virtue of Confucianism is benevolence.
According to, according to, according to. For example, "Heaven depends on it" in "Zhuangzi Health Master"
"Benevolence" is the combination of benevolence and virtue, and "righteousness" is used in benevolence, so it is translated as "benevolence".
Swim, swim. Extend to "make good use of"
"Art" refers to both talent and skill.
Comment and analysis
Confucianism attaches importance to morality, and all actions are based on morality. For example, Confucius said, "Governing the country by virtue". However, to cultivate benevolence, we must first have a heart for the Tao, that is, we must "aim at the Tao." If you are interested in Tao, you can keep your mind and make a difference. If you do something, you will die. Benevolence is like a stick, we must hold it. If you lose your grasp, you will tilt, and the tilt will lose its correctness. This is based on virtue.
Success requires talent. And talent is like a sharp knife, which can be used as a tool of benevolence and a weapon of fierceness. Mencius said: "If people are the goal, they will not harm others; If you trust others, you won't hurt them. Therefore, the technique should not be sloppy. " Sagittarius is the person who makes bows and arrows, and Believer is the person who makes armor. The former is afraid that its "technique" can't hurt people, while the latter is afraid that its "technique" can't protect people. Therefore, only when there is benevolence in the heart and benevolence in the memory can we be at home in all "techniques" and "techniques" and be benevolent without leaving benevolence. This is the so-called "making art by Tao".
Li Bingnan, a former chief secretary of Dacheng Zhisheng, said when reading this chapter: "Confucius said that benevolence is fundamental, benevolence is the foundation of development, benevolence is the protection of art, and benevolence and art are mutually beneficial, just like a stem. Benevolence comes from virtue, and virtue comes from Tao. Morality lies in benevolence. So what is the spirit of China culture? ". This is very clear. So this chapter can be regarded as the general program of Confucianism.