1, notice? Susan's. Unhappy? Ross? Sneaking around? Suggestion? Making? Answer? Crown? With what? Flowers? Where to? Please. She ...
2、As? That? Family? Gone? Where to? That? Door? Where to? Leave? That? Mom? Coming? Running? Back? Did you give it? Me? Answer? Hug? And then what? Whisper? Thanks? For what? Existence? Our? Angels? Today.
3. Feeling? Are you familiar with it? With what? That? What about the sound? She? Turn? Round? And then what? I saw ...
4、A? Small? Smile? May? Manufacturing? Answer? Big? Difference.
5、It? Used to be. This? Unique? Experience? t? Hat? Made it? Me? Do you understand? Whatever. Difficulty (=? No? Does it matter? What? Difficulty)? we? Is it? Face? With what? (=? we? May? Face),? we? Can't you? Pay? Up? Our hope.
6. What? It happened? Today? Made it? Me? Realize? That? f? Revelry? Is it? Answer? Kind? Yes? Virtue.
7. She? Explain? That? She? Mom? Used to be. Bad? Sick? Finally? Night? Which one? Contributed? Where to? She? Fault.