Measure seven times and cut once. Don’t go into the water if you don’t know the ferry crossing. Shallow water should also be used as deep water crossing. Cross the river by feeling for the stones. If you don't roll up your trouser legs, you can't cross the river. If you don't know the details, you can't talk. The heart should be warm and the head should be cold. Being bold and careful makes a difference. When the horse reaches the beach, he will not be whipped. Strength can overcome poverty, but sincerity can overcome disaster. There is also a sparseness in Baimi. No misfortune will come to Shen's door. What is stable is not rolling, but what is rolling is unstable. The fence was tight and the fox couldn't get through. Crazy horses tend to make mistakes; panicked people often make trouble. In a panic, he broke the urinal. The mind is busy and troubled, and there are many worries. You will only suffer if you are careless, and you will be fooled if you are not careful. Be careful and everything will go wrong in the world. If you are careless, you will not be able to move forward even a single step. If you are careless, you will lose the street pavilion, and if you are careless, you will lose Jingzhou. There is nothing wrong with being careful. Carelessness is a relative who makes mistakes. The melon field does not accept the shoes, and the plum blossoms do not hold the crown. Lift the wine tightly and lift the oil slowly. The ship does not miss a needle, the store does not miss a product. The pole was not tied and collapsed at both ends. The rope is tight three times and the account is settled three times. Even if there are many things going on at home, take a walk in the kitchen before going to bed. Don't be afraid of a thousand chances, just be afraid of a mistake. Leave three steps ahead for walking, and leave three steps behind for walking. Keep your tail between your legs and be a human being. Beware of being neutral in anger and slow to express joyful speech. Be vigilant on steep mountains and cautious on twisty roads. Be strong in times of hardship and cautious in times of joy. Caution is part of courage.