Guan Zhong’s famous sayings
1. A person with a solid warehouse knows etiquette; a person with enough food and clothing knows honor and disgrace. ——Guanzi
2. When Huangdi set up the Mingtai for discussion, he looked at the soldiers from above; Yao had people who asked questions in Qushi, and he listened to the people below; Shun had a message to tell good things, but the Lord did not conceal it. Also; Yu established drums in the dynasty to prepare for lawsuits; Tang had a court on the main street to observe the wrongs of the people; King Wu had a confinement of the Lingtai, and the sages could advance: this is why the ancient sage emperors and kings of Ming had it and did not lose it. Get it but don’t forget it. Hundreds of officials have their own affairs, and their duties are to fulfill their duties, regulate and advise. The generals will lead the military law, the court officials will clarify the system, the pastoral guards will apply for political affairs, and the Jin gentry will examine the six arts. I will take a look at them all. ——Guan Zi
3. A well-stocked warehouse shows etiquette, and a well-fed and well-clothed person knows honor and disgrace. ——Guan Zhong "Guanzi-Herdsman"
4. Scholars are not tired of learning, so they can become saints. ——Guan Zhong
5. The East China Sea is for flat fish, and the West Sea is for birds with wings. ——Guanzi
6. Propriety, justice, integrity, and shame are the four dimensions of a country. If the four dimensions are not open, the country will perish. ——Guan Zi
7. Those who doubt the present look at the past, and those who don’t know what is coming look at the past. ——Guan Zi
8. Be morally responsible and don’t be confused by things. ——Guan Zhong
9. Good fortune does not choose one's family, and misfortune does not seek others. ——Guan Zhong, "Guan Zi·Jin Zang"
10. The sage is afraid of the subtle, but the fool is afraid of the bright. ——Guan Zi
11. "Work at the four o'clock and guard the warehouse." ——Guan Zhong, "Herdsman"
12. When you welcome people with a good attitude, you will be as close as brothers; if you welcome people with a bad attitude, it will harm the soldiers. ——Guan Zhong
13. Those who do things are born of worry, succeed in business, and lose in pride. ——Guan Zi
14. One word can be heard and the world will obey it; one word can be affirmed and the world can listen to it. This is called public. ——Guan Zi
15. Do not deal with arrogant and violent people. ——Guan Zi
16. Do not have false ambitions and deeds must be upright. ——Guan Zhong
17. Millet is the king’s ability, the master’s major task, and the way to govern the country is the fault of others. ——Guanzi
18. A wise king can govern and cultivate the system, and his ancestors will obey him. ——Guan Zi
19. If you forget your work in the morning, you will lose your achievements in the evening. ——Guan Zhong's "Guanzi·Situation"
20. Don't be upset and don't be confused. Harmony is self-contained. You can be righteous and calm, and then you can be calm. Hold on to one thing without losing it. You can rule all things. Therefore, it is better to stop anger. Poetry, to get rid of worries is nothing more than joy, to be joyful is nothing more than propriety, to keep etiquette nothing more than respect, to be respectful is nothing more than tranquility, to be quiet inside and respectful outside, if you can reverse your nature, your nature will be greatly stabilized. ——Guan Zi
21. Government thrives when it obeys the people's will, and politics fails when it goes against the people's will. ( )——Guan Zi
22. All herdsmen must know the disease, and worry about it with virtue, don’t be careful with sin, and don’t stop with force. Pay attention to these four things and they are enough to govern the people. ——Guanzi "Guanzi·Situation Chapter"
23. If the dress is not correct, the guests will not be respectful. ——Guan Zhong
24. If a saint is natural, he will be selfless. If the earth is like this, he will be selfless. ——Guan Zi
25. Attack according to your ability. ——Guan Zhong, "Guan Zi·Ba Yan"
26. The advantage lies in the mountains that are thousands of feet high, but there is nothing that cannot be reached; under the deep source, there is nothing that cannot be reached. ——Guanzi
27. If you don’t do anything today, you will lose your money tomorrow. The days of the past are gone and will never come back. ——Guan Zi
28. If there is no etiquette in advancing or retreating, then the government orders will not work. ——Guan Zhong
29. Don’t do useless things, don’t do useless things. ——Guanzi
30. The law is the ritual of the world. Therefore, it is the destiny of the people to resolve doubts and know right from wrong. ——Guan Zi
31. When you welcome people with good demeanor, you are as close as brothers; ——Guanzi