Tang Xianzu said in the play Inscription: "Anyone who is a beautiful girl in Du Like can be described as a lover's ear. I don't know what happened, but it was deep. The living can die and the dead can live. People who are born but can't be born and die, and those who die and can't be resurrected, are not affectionate.
One thing in love, I don't know why, once triggered, can never come back. The living can die for it; People who are disappointed in life can live strong because of life. People who can't accompany them to the end of their lives support themselves to live strong, which is not the ultimate in love.
Somehow, the living can die and the dead can live.
-I don't know why I feel it, it's getting deeper and deeper! Living or dead!
People who are born but can't be born and die, and those who die and can't be resurrected, are not affectionate.
Love that divides life and death is not true love.
I hope I can help you!