There is a difference between a calm taste and what you believe. He asked, "Can I study geometry like me?" The letter said, "Your Majesty can only pay 100,000 yuan." He said, "What are you doing to the public?" He said, "If you are a minister, the more you are, the better your ears will be." He smiled and said, "The more, the better. What does my bird eat? " The letter said: "Your Majesty can't be a general, he can only be a good general. That's why this letter is for your majesty. Besides, your majesty's so-called gift is inhuman. "
Liu Bang once talked with Han Xin about the talents of the generals, each with his own merits. Liu Bang asked, "How many soldiers can I take with me?" Han Xin said, "Your Majesty can only take 100,000 people." Liu Bang said, "What about you?" Han Xin replied: "If you like me, the more the better." Liu Bang said with a smile: "The more soldiers you command, the better. Then why am I caught? " Han Xin said, "Your Majesty is not good at leading troops, but he is good at commanding generals. That's why I was arrested by your Majesty in Han Xin. Moreover, your majesty's ability is innate and cannot be achieved by human efforts. "