Mencius clearly put forward the theory of good nature, which originated from Gao Zi Shang. Generally speaking, Gong asked Mencius about his views on human nature, and Mencius answered, and specifically put forward the view that human nature is good. The basis is: ① There is no good and evil in human nature, ② it can be good, ③ it can be good and evil, ④ it is good and evil, but neither is right. 5, if it is its feelings, it can be good, but it is called good. 6. Benevolence, courtesy and wisdom are not foreign, but I am also inherent. 7. I'm not addicted to it, or I can't do my best. 8, so people will listen only if there is something, so just be a virtue. (The above is from Mencius.
Why did Confucius say that? In my opinion, Mencius developed and deepened Confucius' concept of "benevolence" and actively and clearly put forward the theory of "goodness of human nature"