Song people may get jade, but rarely. Zi Han is suffering. The person who sent the jade said, "Show it to the jade man, who thinks it is a treasure and dares to send it.
Zi Han said, "What I value is not greed, but jade. If you stay with me, you will lose your treasure, but if people have their treasure. " He bowed his head and said to me, "I am a villain and I can't cross the country, so I beg for death." The son is rarely put in it, so that Yumin can attack it and recover after making a fortune. Therefore, the elders of Song said, "Hanzi is not without treasures, but what he treasures is different. Today, I showed my son a hundred gold and a battle, and my son came to a battle; Show me the jade of harmony and one hundred gold, and I will take one hundred gold; He who shows the sage with harmony and moral wisdom will take his words. It knows the essence and takes the essence; The thick he knows, the thick he takes. Zi Han's treasures are the most precious. "
The full-text translation of the jade lovers in Song Dynasty is:
A man in Song got a piece of jade and gave it to Zicheng Zi Han. He refused to accept it. The person who offered the jade said, "I showed it to others, and the jade craftsman said it was a gem, so I dared to give it to you."
Zi Han said: "I regard greed as a treasure, and you regard jade as a treasure." If you give me the jade, we will all lose our treasure. It is better to treasure it yourself. "The person who offered the jade respectfully said," The villain owns this jade and can't move a step. I want to beg this jade not to die. "Zi Han put it in his own village, let craftsmen carve jade for themselves, let the jade giver get rich, and let him go home. Therefore, Song's elders said, "There are no children, but his children are different! "If you give a baby one hundred and twenty gold and an oriole, he will definitely choose an oriole; Give a vulgar candidate jade and a hundred taels of gold, and he will definitely choose gold; Give the sage the words of harmonious wisdom about morality, and the sage will definitely choose the words of wisdom. The more profound a person's knowledge is, the more subtle his choices are; He who can only see the dross will only get the dross. What Zi Han sees is the essence! "
Or: there is a person.
I see.
Zhu: A double character is equivalent to "Yao".
Display: display to.
Therefore: So.
Joel: Pronouns, you.
Take ... as: as.
If: if, if.
If not: better. If, a verb, such as.
Person: Everyone, everyone.
Kowtow: kowtow.
Elder: an older person with good moral character.
Bao: Bao, which is a conative usage, takes ... as a treasure.
Uncle: oriole.
Son: Baby.
Me: A vulgar person.
Moral wisdom: wisdom that conforms to moral principles. Say, extremely superb or wonderful remarks. To the extreme, the extreme, the extreme.
Know: know "wisdom", know or be wise.
Good: profound.
Brief analysis:
This is an article on morality. In the eyes of most ordinary people, gold, silver, jewels and jade are treasures, but in the eyes of virtuous people, morality is the real treasure.
From the very beginning, the article reveals that the Jade Sender and Zi Han have completely different views on the treasure. Zi Han's "treasure" is a spiritual treasure, which transcends the material level. He regards this as a treasure, which shows his unusually good moral quality. By means of metaphor, the author discusses people's different attitudes towards treasures, and emphasizes the noble character and realm of valuing rare things and not being greedy or greedy. From this, it is concluded that the more profound a person's knowledge is, the more subtle his choice will be. The knowledge here: first, it refers to moral cultivation, and second, it refers to intellectual cultivation. In other words, one should have spiritual pursuit. It is the need of moral cultivation for saints to choose the latter from the words of harmony and morality, which embodies the lofty morality of saints. In today's society, some people can't resist the temptation, can't stick to their nature, and face the psychological imbalance of material desire. This is because morality has not yet reached this level.
Central idea:
From the very beginning, the article reveals that the Jade Sender and Zi Han have completely different views on the treasure. Zi Han's "treasure" is a spiritual treasure, which transcends the material level. He regards this as a treasure, which shows Zi Han's excellent moral quality beyond ordinary people. By means of metaphor, the author discusses people's different attitudes towards treasures, and emphasizes the noble moral character and realm ethics of valuing rare things and not being greedy. From this, it is concluded that the more profound a person's knowledge is, the more subtle his choice will be. Knowledge here refers to moral cultivation and intellectual cultivation. In a word, one should have spiritual pursuit. Sages choose the latter from harmony and moral words, which is the need of moral cultivation and reflects their spiritual lofty. In today's society, some people can't resist the temptation, can't stick to their nature, and face the psychological imbalance of material desire. This is because morality has not yet reached this level.
About the author:
Liu Xiang (77 years ago -6 years ago), whose real name is Gengsheng, was born in Pengcheng, early Han Dynasty. He worked in Chang 'an, the capital of Han Dynasty, and his ancestral home was Fengyi in Pei County (now Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province). Born in Yuanfeng, Emperor Zhao of Han Dynasty (77 years before), he died in Jianping, Emperor Ai of Han Dynasty (6 years before). Liu Bang's half-brother Liu Jiao is a descendant and Liu Xin's father. I was ordered to lead the school secretary and wrote Bielu, the earliest book classification catalogue in China. Three articles, most of which are lost. Today, there are books such as New Preface, Shuoyuan, Biography of Lienv, Warring States Policy, Biography of Liexian, etc. His book The Five Classics and Yi Tong was compiled by Ma Guohan of A Qing Dynasty. The Songs of Chu was compiled by Liu Xiang, and The Classic of Mountains and Seas was compiled by Liu Xiang and his son Liu Xin.