Mingde Wu Ge expresses the Book of Rites. University. "The way of university is to be well-known, close to the people and stop at perfection." "University" means extensive knowledge. In Confucian scholarship, personal virtue is the first, and "Mingde" is to show virtue, first to improve the inner moral and intellectual accomplishment, and then to others;
"If the ancient desire is obviously superior to the world, govern the country first; If you want to govern your country, you should first get your family together; If you want to reunite with your family, you should first repair your body; If you want to cultivate yourself, you should be upright first; If you want to be correct, be sincere first; Be sincere, let him know first; Know in the matter. "
According to Zhu, a Confucian scholar in the Song Dynasty, "seeking knowledge" means broadening the field of knowledge as much as possible; Wu Ge chose the best principles to explore the meaning of things. After in-depth exploration, knowledge will naturally be enriched, and the foundation of personal cultivation will be consolidated, so that you can cultivate yourself and embody the ideal of managing the country and leveling the world.
The Latin motto is "Homo sapiens and Virtus", which translates knowledge and virtue freely.