Let me give you something else.
Pepsi fashion shoes: Ask for more. Desire is unlimited.
McDonald’s: I love it! I love it!
Sprite: Obey your thirst. Obey your thirst.
Maxwell Coffee: Good to the last drop. The drops are fragrant and full of flavor.
Pepsi: The choice of a new generation. The choice of a new generation.
Nestle Ice Cream: Take time to indulge. Enjoy!
Sony Video Player: The new digital era. The digital era.
Ricoh Copier: We lead. Others copy. We lead and others follow.
Samsung Electronics: Feel the new space. Feel the new realm.
Philips Electronics: Let's make things better. Let's do things better.
Toshiba Electronics: Take Toshiba, take the world. Take Toshiba, take the world.
Mitsubishi Electronics: We integrate, you communicate. We integrate, you surpass yourself.
Marlboro cigarettes: Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country. Visit the land of charm - Marlboro World.
Motorola mobile phone: Intelligence everywhere. Intelligent interpretation, everywhere.
Lingzhi sedan: The relentless pursuit of perfection. The relentless pursuit of perfection.
Toyota Motors: Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.
IBM: No business too small, no problem too big. There is no small business that cannot be done, and no big problem that cannot be solved.