Original text:
Zi Gong said, "I don't want others to impose on me, but I also want homeless people." Confucius said, "Giving is beyond your reach."
Translation: Zi Gong said, "I don't want what others impose on me, and I don't want to impose it on me. Zhu Xi thinks that Zi Gong can't do it, and explains why Zi Gong can't do it. Zhu Xi thinks that what Zi Gong said, "I don't want others to add to me, and I also want others to add to me," is "a matter of benevolence, not being forced, so the master thinks it is beyond Zi Gong's reach." That is to say, "I don't want others to impose on me, and I don't want to impose on others." This kind of thing is a benevolent thing, and it can't be done reluctantly. Therefore, Confucius thinks that it can't be achieved by Zi Gong.
the above is for reference only, and I hope it will help you.